Dec 11, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Core Curriculum

If a student successfully completes the core curriculum, that block of courses may be transferred to any other Texas public institution of higher education and must be substituted for the receiving institution’s core curriculum. A student shall receive academic credit for each of the courses transferred and may not be required to take additional core curriculum courses at the receiving institution.

A student who transfers without completing the core curriculum shall receive academic credit within the core curriculum of the receiving institution for each of the courses that the student has successfully completed in the core of the sending institution. The student may be required to satisfy the remaining course requirements in the core curriculum of the receiving institution.

A student completing an Associate of Science or an Associate of Arts degree must successfully complete the following core curriculum:

THECB Component Area Hours
Communication 6
Mathematics 3
Life and Physical Sciences 6
Language, Philosophy, and Culture 3
Creative Arts 3
American History 6
Government/Political Science 6
Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
Component Area Option 6
Total Curriculum Hours 42

Core Curriculum Courses

Communication: 6 Hours

Choose two:

Creative Arts: 3 Hours

Choose one from these options:

American History: 6 Hours

Choose two:

Government/Political Science: 6 Hours

Component Area Option: 6 Hours**

Choose two:

Total Hours: 42

*The one-hour lab course will be applied to the major component.
**Any hours beyond the 6 required in the Component Area Option will be applied to the major component.