Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Conduct and Discipline

Student Conduct

In order to meet its educational objectives, an institution of higher learning must expect rational, mature behavior from its constituency. To accept anything less is to invite the destruction of not only academic freedom but also the system of higher education itself.

Disciplinary Action

A student is subject to disciplinary action for unacceptable behavior as outlined in the Student Handbook under “Code of Student Conduct and Discipline.” The Dean of Student Services may classify behavior as unacceptable and may refer the case to the proper judicial body for investigation and decision. The student has the right to appeal the decision to the College Discipline Committee. This appeal is made through the Office of the Dean of Student Services, and the action of the Discipline Committee is subject to review by the President of Lamar State College Orange.

Student discipline at Lamar State College Orange is based on an educational philosophy of helping students grow and mature into responsible citizens. When a student behaves in a manner that may require disciplinary action, a careful investigation of all facts is made and the student is afforded every opportunity to participate in the process of arriving at a just and equitable decision. Counseling, conferences with instructors, conferences with peer groups, and other techniques may be employed in making discipline an educational experience.


Hazing is prohibited in state educational institutions by the Texas Education Code, Section 4.19.  Students of Lamar State College Orange are forbidden to engage in, encourage, aid or assist any person(s) participating in what is commonly known and recognized as hazing.  Any student who does so will be subject to college disciplinary action and may also face civil authority.  Refer to the Student Handbook for more information relative to the legal implications of hazing.

Hazing means any intentional or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution. 

Hazing on the part of students, faculty, or staff is strictly forbidden, whether on or off campus. LSCO reserves the right to take disciplinary action against individual students and/or groups who engage in hazing or voluntarily submit to hazing. Please see complete information related to hazing on our website.

Official Summons

An official summons takes precedence over all other college activities of the student and should be answered promptly on the day and hour designated. Failure to heed an official summons may subject the student to serious disciplinary action.


The College is not responsible for debts contracted by individual students or student organizations and will not act as a collection agency for organizations, firms or individuals to whom a student may owe bills.

Students and student organizations are expected to honor contractual obligations promptly, but in case of flagrant disregard of such obligations, the Chief Student Affairs Officer or his or her designated representative will take appropriate action.

After the 12th week in the long semester and the fourth week in the summer term, failure to pay fees by the specified date will result in suspension at the end of the current semester and will include denial of readmission, withholding of grades and transcripts and/or withholding of degrees or certificates.

Parking Regulations

Each student is issued a vehicle permit that allows parking on the campus and other specific areas adjoining the campus. This permit is to be displayed as instructed in official parking and traffic regulations materials. Strict observance of traffic and parking regulations is necessary for the safe, orderly flow of vehicles in the campus area. Parking passes can be obtained in the Student Center.