Lamar State College Orange is committed to providing equal access and opportunity for all persons regardless of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status, in employment, educational programs, and activities and admissions. With this in mind, a student complaint may encompass dissatisfaction or perceived injustice a student may have while associated with the college as a student.
Informal Student Complaints (excluding discrimination or safety)
A student complaint may result from academic experiences or non-academic matters involving administrators, staff, or other students/student organizations.
Regardless of the course modality and/or campus location of the issue, the protocol for handling complaints will be the same.
All complainants should attempt an informal resolution by speaking with the appropriate parties involved. If the informal complaint is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction within five (5) business days of the incident, the student may decide to present their informal complaint as a formal complaint within the next five (5) business days.
Intake form for student Complaints (excluding discrimination or safety)
Except in the case of safety concerns (e.g., harassment/sexual misconduct/Title IX complaint), a student who has not successfully resolved an informal complaint should utilize the Student Complaints Intake Form. The Student Complaint Intake Form may also be found in the MyGator portal (student reporting forms).
Only complaints submitted within the stated timeframe will be evaluated and considered. Upon submitting a formal complaint for concerns excluding discrimination and safety through the Complaint Intake Form, the student will be contacted through their LSCO email to receive guidance on the next steps in the process. Additional documentation may be requested at this time. After the initial contact with the student, no new documents may be submitted while the process is ongoing, even during the subsequent reporting levels of administration.
Formal student complaints (excluding discrimination or safety) - AFTER submitting the Intake Form for Student Complaints
Student - Staff (non-instructor) Complaint Appeal Process
The College believes that matters involving a staff member (non-instructor) and students are best resolved at that level; therefore, the following procedures are established for all student-staff (non-instructor) conflicts. Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time.
Level One:
The student will first consult with the staff member and express concerns. If this meeting does not produce an acceptable resolution for the student, he/she must notify the staff-member of their decision to appeal to the next level within five (5) business days following the staff member decision. The staff member should include their decision in the online portal (Maxient) case file and route the student complaint to the next level supervisor.
Level Two:
The next-level supervisor is to schedule a meeting to occur in person or virtually within five (5) business days of receiving the appeal. Upon hearing the grievance and meeting with the student, the next-level supervisor will provide his/her decision in writing to the student following the meeting within five (5) business days. If this meeting does not produce an acceptable resolution for the student, he/she must notify the next-level supervisor of their decision to appeal to the next level within five (5) business days following receipt of the written decision. The next-level supervisor should include their decision in the online portal (Maxient) case file and route the student complaint to the Dean of Student Services.
Level Three:
The Dean of Student Services is to schedule a meeting to occur in person or virtually within five (5) business days of receiving the written complaint. Upon hearing the grievance and meeting with the student, the Dean of Student Services will provide his/her decision in writing to the student following the meeting within five (5) business days. If this meeting does not produce an acceptable resolution for the student, he/she must notify the Dean of Student Services details of their decision to appeal to the next level within five (5) business days following receipt of the written decision. The Dean of Student Services should include their decision in the online portal (Maxient) case file and route the student complaint to the appropriate Vice President.
Level Four:
The appropriate Vice President is to schedule a meeting to occur in person or virtually within five (5) business days of receiving the written complaint. Upon hearing the grievance and meeting with the student, the appropriate Vice President will provide his/her decision in writing to the student following the meeting within five (5) business days. The decision of the Vice President is final.
Student – Instructor Complaint Appeal Process
The College believes that matters involving an instructor and student are best resolved at that level; therefore, the following procedures are established for formal student-instructor conflicts, including but not limited to those related to earned grade disputes.
Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time.
Note: **The appeals process may not apply to program-specific policies. Program-specific policies are not eligible to undergo an appeal unless specified as eligible within the program’s handbook.
*Complaints Related to Earned Grades
Complaints related to an earned grade must be initiated no later than 30 calendar days after the date that the grade was assigned, not to exceed 30 calendar days following the end of the semester. They should be limited to specific charges of unfair action in the grade determination and shall not challenge the instructor’s grading standard as outlined in the course syllabus.
The appeal process for a complaint related to an earned grade will only consider whether a grade was determined in a fair and appropriate manner in accordance with the course syllabus; it does not provide an attempt to grade or re-grade individual assignments, exams, or projects.
The written appeal for complaints related to earned grades must substantiate the claim that the grade represents unfair treatment compared to the standard provided in the syllabus (and applied to other students). In the absence of compelling reasons, such as clerical error, prejudice, or inconsistency, the grade assigned by the instructor is considered to be final and cannot be appealed. In a grade appeal, only arbitrariness, prejudice, and/or error will be considered legitimate grounds for an appeal.
*An academic appeal process is not afforded to students who have engaged in academic dishonesty, a violation of the LSCO Student Code of Conduct.
Level One:
The student will first consult with the instructor and express concerns. If this meeting does not produce an acceptable resolution for the student, he/she must notify the instructor of their decision to appeal to the next level within five (5) business days following the instructors’ decision. The instructor should include their decision in the online portal (Maxient) case file and route the student complaint to the next level supervisor.
Level Two:
The next-level supervisor is to schedule a meeting to occur in person or virtually within five (5) business days of receiving the appeal. Upon hearing the grievance and meeting with the student, the next-level supervisor will provide his/her decision in writing to the student following the meeting within five (5) business days. If this meeting does not produce an acceptable resolution for the student, he/she must notify the next-level supervisor of their decision to appeal to the next level within five (5) business days following receipt of the written decision. The next level supervisor should include their decision in the online portal (Maxient) case file and route the student complaint to the appropriate Dean.
Level Three:
The appropriate Dean is to schedule a meeting to occur in person or virtually within five (5) business days of receiving the written complaint from the student. Upon hearing the grievance and meeting with the student, the appropriate Dean will provide his/her decision in writing to the student following the meeting within five (5) business days. If this meeting does not produce an acceptable resolution for the student, he/she must notify the appropriate Dean of their decision to appeal to the next level within five (5) business days following receipt of the written decision. The appropriate Dean should include their decision in the online portal (Maxient) case file and route the student complaint to the Provost.
Level Four:
The Provost will convene an Academic Appeals Committee. Although the hearing is most effectively conducted in person, arrangements can be made for virtual hearings if needed. The meeting with the Academic Appeals Committee will occur as soon as practicably possible. The decision of the Academic Appeals Committee is final and will be the last level of the appeal process. Within five (5) business days after the Academic Appeals Committee convenes, the Provost/Executive Vice President will issue in writing the final decision of the appeal to the student via their LSCO email account.
The membership of the Academic Appeals Committee will be comprised of:
- Four full-time faculty members with no representation from the department from which the appeal is being made
- Three students, with representatives from both academic and technical divisions
- Division Directors Associate Deans, and Deans may not serve as members of the committee.
- The Executive Vice President (EVP)/Provost will identify an Ad Hoc (non-voting) committee member tasked with taking minutes of the committee meetings.
The members of the committee shall be chosen by the Executive Vice President (EVP)/Provost. The chair of the committee shall be selected from one of the faculty members of the committee.
NOTE: Students are allowed to continue attending class until the grievance or appeal is resolved. However, students shall not participate in off-campus instructional assignments (i.e. clinicals, internships, etc.) during the appeal process.
Student – Student/Student Organization Complaint Appeal Process
The College believes that matters involving a student conflict with another student or with a student organization are best resolved at that level; therefore, the following procedures are established for all student-student or student-student organization conflicts. Even after initiating the formal complaint process, the student complainant is encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time.
Level One:
The student complainant will first consult with the student or student organization designated representative with whom he/she has a conflict and express concerns. If this meeting does not produce an acceptable resolution, the student should provide a written appeal to the Dean of Student Services within five (5) business days submitted from the student complainant’s assigned LSCO email account substantiating the claim that the issue represents unfair treatment or incompatible procedures incompatible with the LSCO Catalog. The Dean of Student Services is to schedule a meeting to occur in person within five (5) business days of receiving the written appeal. Upon hearing the grievance and meeting with the student complainant and the offending student or student organization designated representative, the Dean of Student Services will provide his/her decision in writing to the student within five (5) business days. The decision of the Dean of Student Services is final.
Discrimination Reporting
Any student who believes he/she has been discriminated against by college personnel for any reason, including discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status, has the right to expect due diligence and should contact the Dean of Student Services within five (5) business days of the initial concern. If the Dean of Student Services determines that the complaint does not strictly adhere to discrimination allegations, the student complainant will be directed to the student/staff, student/instructor, or student/student (organization) conflict resolution and appeal process, as appropriate.
For reports determined to be a discrimination complaint, the Dean of Student Services will coordinate with the Director of Human Resources and/or the Title IX Coordinator, as appropriate. The Director of Human Resources and/or the Title IX Coordinator may appoint a hearing officer to review and investigate the complaint and make the final decision regarding a student report of discrimination.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Reporting
Lamar State College Orange promotes prompt reporting of all forms of sexual misconduct. To ensure all students, faculty, and staff have an option for electronic reporting of an incident of sexual misconduct, LSCO has created an online, secure reporting form. This form will enable an individual to report the alleged offense anonymously.
The Title IX/Clery Reporting Form may also be found in the MyGator portal (student reporting forms).
Upon submitting a report through the Title IX/Clery Reporting Form, a member of the Title IX Team will follow up on the next steps, as outlined on LSCO’s Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Webpage.
Timeline for Filing a Complaint and Appeal
In resolving student complaints, timely reporting of the complaint is important and thus required at all levels. Unless stated otherwise within each procedural guideline, the appropriate timeframe for filing a written grievance should be within five (5) business days from the date on which the student is first aware or notified of the issue of concern. Written appeals to the next/subsequent level of the process must be made within five (5) business days of the student’s receipt of the institution’s appellate written decision.
Distance Learning State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Complaints
Students Enrolled in Distance Education Courses Complaints should be filed in the state where the student is receiving instruction, not in the state in which the student resides. For example, a student residing in Louisiana but taking courses in Texas should file his/her compliant with the state contact for Texas. Complaints against a SARA-participating institution must first go through the institution’s own grievance procedures. All complaints regarding student grades or conduct violations are governed by the institution and the laws of the institution’s home state. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the institutional grievance process, the student may appeal, within two years of the incident, to the SARA portal agency of the institution’s home state. For all complaints regarding Texas degree-granting postsecondary institutions participating in SARA, complete the Student Complaint and Release Form and email the form to
THECB Complaints
The role of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) is to represent the state of Texas and regulate compliance with the laws that fall under the THECB’s authority. The THECB cannot offer legal advice to complainants and does not act as a student’s agent, representative, or attorney. Any information the THECB’s staff provides is not and should not be interpreted as legal advice or representation.
The authority of Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is limited to that expressly granted by law and stipulated in the THECB rules. For example, a student’s eligibility for financial aid is determined by the student’s institution and the THECB generally does not have the authority to override the school’s determination.
Student complaints reporting violations to applicable statutes under Texas Education Code Chapters 54 and 61 and THECB rules under Title 19, Texas Administrative Code, Part 1 may be investigated by THECB.
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s (THECB) Student Complaint Procedure (19 TAC SS 1.110-1.120) requires that a student filing a complaint must do so in a timely manner and must exhaust all grievance and appeal procedures of the institution as described in the Lamar State College Orange Student Grievance Procedure PRIOR to filing a complaint. Details about complaints with THECB are provided on their website:
SACSCOC Regional Accreditation
Additionally, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) provides an option for grievances as part of its “Complaint Procedures against SACSCOC or its Accredited Institutions” which can be utilized once the complainant has exhausted all grievance and appeal procedures of the institution as described in the Lamar State College Orange Student Grievance Procedure.
Program-Specific Accreditation Organizations
In addition to general institutional accreditation under SACSCOC, individual departmental programs may be associated with program-specific accreditation organizations with which a student may consult at any time. Information about specific program accreditation is located at this link.
Student Feedback/Student Government Association
Each semester the College provides students an opportunity for feedback regarding concerns and suggestions to improve college services through the Student Government Association. Students also may voice their ideas for improvement at regularly scheduled Student Government Association meetings throughout the fall and spring semesters. However, for individual student concerns or grievances, students should follow the grievance procedures detailed above.