Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Academic and Technical Program Description and Coordination

Degrees, Certificates, and Institutional Awards

Lamar State College Orange has degree-granting authority from the appropriate government agencies. LSCO is authorized as a coeducational lower-division Texas “Public state college” by Texas Education Code (TEC), Title 3, Subtitle E, Chapter 96, “Institutions of the Texas State University System,” Section 96.704. This statute authorizes the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) to adopt policies, enact regulations, and establish rules for carrying out the duties with respect to public state colleges as set by the legislature.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 2012 Edition of the U.S. Code, Title 20-Education, on request, Lamar State College Orange has provided the stipulated documentation to the Secretary of the Department of Education regarding instruction offered to Distance Education students living outside of Texas. As such, LSCO is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). NC-SARA is a voluntary nationwide reciprocity agreement for the provision of distance education courses and programs to students in other SARA-participating states without seeking state authorization.

Lamar State College Orange offers courses that are equivalent in content and quality to freshman and sophomore courses at all Texas four-year colleges and universities. Students can complete programs of study, preparing them to transfer to four-year institutions or to seek immediate employment. Those students seeking personal enrichment, new, or updated job skills will also find what they need at Lamar State College Orange.

Lamar State College Orange is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award the associate of arts, associate of science, associate of applied science degrees, and certificates of completion. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, by telephone 404-679-4500, or by visiting the website www.sacscoc.org for questions regarding the accreditation of Lamar State College Orange. Normal inquiries about the institution such as admission requirements, financial aid, education programs, etc., should be addressed directly to Lamar State College Orange and not to the Commission’s office. The Commission should be contacted only if there is evidence that appears to support the institution’s significant non-compliance with a requirement or standard of The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement.

The college is approved by the Texas Veteran’s Commission for the training of veterans under all classifications. In addition, the Vocational Nursing and Transition RN Nursing Programs are accredited by the Texas Board of Nursing. The Pharmacy Technology Program is accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. The Emergency Medical Services Program is certified by the Texas Department of State Health Services. The Process Operating Technology Program is accredited by the North American Process Technology Alliance.

Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) Degrees

AA and AS degrees are designed for transfer to four-year institutions and form the basis for several career options and majors. Students must select courses which provide the best preparation for transfer in a particular major field at the specific institution planned for transfer.

The AA and AS curricula include electives as well as required courses for particular concentrations of study. It is imperative that a transferring student work closely with an advisor to plan a successful program for the selected senior institution. Students pursuing Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees must meet the testing requirements of Texas Success Initiative (TSI).

In accordance with Senate Bill 1189, passed by the 84th Legislative Session, LSCO has designated the AA in Liberal Arts as the multidisciplinary studies associate degree.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degrees

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees are intense programs of study designed to prepare students for employment after graduation. All programs are developed to ensure that students achieve competencies in job skills. Some courses may transfer to four-year institutions, but students planning to pursue bachelor’s degrees should work closely with advisors to plan for successful transfer of coursework.

Requirements for the AAS degree include general education courses, specified courses in the chosen area of study, and verification of workplace competencies (capstone course, credentialing exam, or work-based learning experience). Students pursuing Associate of Applied Science degrees must meet the testing requirements of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI). 

Many BAAS programs are available statewide to allow students who complete an AAS with LSCO to transfer opportunities to complete a baccalaureate degree.

Certificate of Completion (CC)

Certificate programs are traditionally designed to transition into an Associate of Applied Science degree upon completion within one to three semesters. They provide specialized technical career training. Successful students develop essential skills and gain technical background that prepares them to enter the workforce. All technical certificate programs with 42 credit hours or less offered at Lamar State College Orange are waived from the testing requirements of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI).

Institutional Awards (IA)

The college may offer Institutional Awards reflecting a course or series of courses that represent the achievement of marketable skills or meet a student’s self-defined educational objective.

Assessment of Student Outcomes

In order to provide for the continuing program and operational development and evaluation and meet Texas Higher Education Coordinating (THECB) and accreditation requirements, Lamar State College Orange will assess all programs, both academic and occupational/technical, on the basis of students’ learning outcomes. To assess such outcomes, students may be required to take additional examinations, participate in surveys and/or provide samples of their work at LSCO.

Lamar State College Orange has identified seven educational goals to specify the knowledge and skills that students should gain from completing academic and technical programs with the College. These goals are:

  1. Critical thinking (General Education, Technical) – Students will be able to demonstrate creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information.
  2. Communication (General Education, Technical) – Students will be able to effectively develop, interpret and express of ideas through written, oral and visual communication.
  3. Empirical and quantitative skills (General Education, Technical) – Students will be able to manipulate and analyze numerical data or observable facts and create informed conclusions.
  4. Teamwork (General Education, Technical) – Students will be able to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.
  5. Social responsibility (General Education, Technical) – Students will be able to recognize and acquire a sense of intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national and global communities.
  6. Personal responsibility (General Education, Technical) – Students will be able to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
  7. Professional competency (Technical) – Students will be able to recognize or demonstrate skills and that depict professional values and employability.  If the career has licensure or certification requirements, students may prepare for the licensure and certification in a capstone course and sit for the licensure or certificate at the end of the program.

Academic Education

The academic education division provides course offerings for the student seeking an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science or Associate of Teaching degree. At Lamar State College Orange, a student may earn an AA, AS, or AAT degree by successfully completing a planned curriculum of freshman and sophomore academic courses comprised of a 42-semester credit hour general education core and 18 additional semester credit hours of appropriate electives. These courses are approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and are transferable to public senior colleges and universities in Texas. Lamar State College Orange maintains contact with senior institutions in the state to ensure that university transfer courses offered at LSCO are equivalent in quality and content to those of the senior institutions.

Technical, Health Profession, and Nursing Education

Technical, health profession, and nursing educaiton is designed to provide the educational competencies and skills required for employment in business, industry, technical fields and health services. In addition, many students enhance and upgrade their job skills for career advancements and/or “up-skilling.”

Lamar State College Orange provides quality technical and health profession programs specifically designed to meet the needs of employers located in the geographic areas served by the College. Each program has an advisory committee consisting of individuals from business and industry that provide input into the curriculum, courses, equipment needs and overall evaluation of the effectiveness of the program, specifically as it relates to preparing students with relevant skills, licensures, and credentials to enter today’s workforce.

The technical, health profession, and nursing education programs are designed to meet industry and business employment needs for a skilled workforce while meeting a broad spectrum of student interest, needs and abilities. Students may enroll in the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree program, Certificate of Completion (CC) program, or Institutional Award (IA) program. Each program has been approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and students must complete all courses specified in the degree plan. Substitutions for any course in the AAS degree or certificate requires prior approval of the Dean of Transfer and Public Service Programs, the Dean of Industry and Manufacturing Programs, or the Dean of Nursing and Health Professions Programs.

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree provides a two-year curriculum, consisting of core program courses, related courses, and general studies courses. The Certificate of Completion (CC) is designed to provide core courses in a technical or allied health program that specifically and directly relate to competencies needed for employment and potential advancement in a career field. In Institutional Award (IA) enables students to receive recognition (not designated on transcripts) for entry level employment or industry recognized certifications and/or licensures.

LSCO has implemented stackable credentials that allow students to enroll in a Certificate of Completion that then leads to an Associate of Applied Science. Many technical and allied health programs also transfer into a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science (BAAS) degree at public Texas four-year institutions. Please see your program director or an academic advisor for more information on pursuing a BAAS with a partnering university after completing an AAS with Lamar State College Orange.

Academic and Public Service Program Coordination

  • Robyn Burdette, Dean of Transfer and Public Service Programs

Behavioral Science and Business Departments

Hallie Gates, Department Chair

Program Courses Curriculum Coordination
Business Accounting, Business, Management, Marketing Dr. Keith Jones
Economics Brian Lynch
Criminal Justice Corrections, Criminal Justice, and Law Enforcement Hallie Gates
General Studies, Liberal Arts Government Richard Lindsey
Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology Audrey Ewer
Sociology Sociology Audrey Ewer

Communication and Liberal Arts Departments

Eric Owens, Department Chair

Program Courses Curriculum Coordination
Communication Communication, Speech Kevin Doss
General Studies, Liberal Arts Arts Donald Bullock
Drama Anna Lacy
Music Carrie Cruz
History Eric Owens
Spanish Jessica Fant
Speech Kevin Doss

Mathematics, English, and Technology Departments

George Scarborough, Department Chair

Program Courses Curriculum Coordination
College Preparatory (Developmental Education) Developmental Math, Non-Course Based Mathematics (NCBO) George Scarborough, Andrew Moore
Integrated Reading and Writing Shawn Smith
Computer Science and Information Technology CISCO, Computer Engineering Technology, Computer Installation and Repair Technology, Computer Science, Networking, Web Programming Diane Dotson
Liberal Arts, General Studies English Amanda Smith
Mathematics Elias Jureidini, George Scarborough

Public Service Departments

Skylar Slaughter Murphy, Department Chair

Program Courses                    Curriculum Coordination
Cosmetology Cosmetology Kimberly Moyers
Court Reporting Court Reporting Cristy Smith
General Studies, Liberal Arts Geography Skylar Slaughter Murphy
Real Estate Real Estate Martha Morian
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones
Teaching Education Skylar Slaughter Murphy

Science Departments

Dr. Matthew McClure, Department Chair

Program Courses Curriculum Coordination
Environmental Science Environmental Science Dr. Matthew McClure
General Studies, Liberal Arts Biology Dr. Matthew McClure
Chemisty Dr. Gary Lundquist
Natural Science Biology Dr. Matthew McClure
Chemistry Dr. Gary Lundquist
Pre-Engineering Engineering (Chemical) Dr. Gary Lundquist, Henry Ramsey
Physics Dr. Gary Lundquist, Henry Ramsey
Pre-Professional Health Science Anatomy & Physiology Dr. Jerry Sanford
Chemistry Dr. Gary Lundquist
Microbiology Dr. Ni Song


Technical Education Coordination

  • Dr. Richard “R.E.” Davis, Dean of Industry and Manufacturing Programs 

Industrial Systems Departments

Henry Ramsey, Department Chair 

Program Courses Program Director
Electromechanical Technology Hydraulics, Industrial Manufacturing, Machining, Robotics John Gobert
Fabrication and Welding Fabrication and Welding Jason Teal
Instrumentation Instrumentation Henry Ramsey
Process Operating Technology Applied Science Dr. Gary Lundquist
Chemical Technology, Process Technology Henry Ramsey
Safety, Health, and Environment Environment Regulations, Safety/Health/Environment Henry Ramsey

Construction and Repair Departments

Michael Ruland, Department Chair 

Program Courses Program Director
Automotive Technology Automotive Michael Ruland
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones
Building Construction Technology Construction Kressida Rice
Construction Management Construction Kressida Rice
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones

Electrical Technology (Electrician)* 

*to begin fall 2025 pending SACSCOC accreditation

Electrical Michael Ruland
HVAC Technology HVAC Michael Ruland
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones

Plumbing Technology* 

*to begin fall 2025 pending SACSCOC accreditation

Plumbing Michael ruland

Logistics and Maritime Programs

Dr. Keith Jones, Department Chair 

Program Courses Program Director
Logistics Management Logistics Hilda Marcel
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones
Maritime/Ordinary Seaman Maritime Captains James Chatlosh and Bacil Risinger


Nursing and Health Professions Education Coordination

  • Mandee Tucker, Dean of Nursing and Health Professions

Health Professions Programs

Mandee Tucker, Dean of Nursing and Health Professions

Program Courses Program Director
Dental Assisting Dental Assisting Colleen Baker
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones
Emergency Medical Services Electrocardiography, Emergency Medical Services Richard “Buddy” Land
Emergeny Medical Technician Paramedic Paramedic Richard “Buddy” Land
Massage Therapy Massage Therapy Erin Peters
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones
Medical Assisting Medical Assisting, Medical Terminology, Nutrition, Phlebotomy Jessica Montgomery
Pharmacy Technology Pharmacy Jennifer Fabriguze
Business Management Dr. Keith Jones

Nursing Division

Sherri Foreman, Division Director

Program Courses Program Director
Vocational Nursing Vocational Nursing Angie Cole
Registered Nursing Transition (upward mobility Sherri Foreman
Registered (ADN) Sherri Foreman
Nursing Simulation Simulation Suzanne Baker


Continuing and Workforce Education

  • Dr. Richard “R.E.” Davis, Dean of Industry and Manufacturing Programs
  • TBD, Director of Workforce Programs

Lamar State College Orange (LSCO) offers customized training programs for upgrading employment skills and/or for those pursuing areas of personal interest through its continuing education programs. These classes provide opportunities for individuals to continue their education in the academic and technical/occupational areas.  A number of classes are offered for persons interested in pursuing creative activities, cultural endeavors, and/or recreational programs.  Additional class offerings include personal development, computer skill enhancement, and professional development along with free community service learning opportunities. 

Non-credit courses are open to interested adults without regard to eligibility for admission to college-credit programs. LSCO can award continuing education units (CEUs) to those who complete continuing education courses administered by LSCO. In no instance should the award of CEUs be equated with college credit toward a degree.

Continuing & Workforce Education (C&WE) offers customized business and industrial training. These programs are designed to fit the needs of local employers. Training can take place on the Lamar State College Orange campus, a local plant, or office location. C&WE has worked with local businesses and industry leaders to deliver courses in computer technology, leadership training, business communication, maintenance technology, and more.  Courses vary in length from one hour, to one-day, to multi-faceted, long-term training.