Jan 22, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Policies and Procedures

Academic Forgiveness

After an enrollment lapse of four or more years from Lamar State College Orange and after completing successfully (2.2 average) 24 semester hours of coursework, a student may petition to disregard a maximum of two entire successive semesters of work taken previously at Lamar State College Orange. The petition shall be filed with the Registrar and approved by the Dean of Student Services.

When approved by the Dean of Student Services, disregarded coursework shall not count in determining the student’s grade point average for academic progress or graduation; however, the work shall remain on the transcript with an appropriate notation and shall be used in determining honors. Once a degree has been conferred, a student may not use the academic forgiveness for any courses used to award the degree or to calculate the cumulative grade point average.

Academic Honesty

The College does not tolerate cheating or plagiarism. Cheating involves either giving assistance to another student or receiving assistance from another student during a quiz, test, examination, or another individual assignment unless the instructor has explicitly permitted such assistance.

Academic dishonesty and cheating include, but is not limited to:

  • Submitting material that is not the student’s as part of the student’s course performance;
  • Using information or devices that are not allowed by the faculty;
  • Obtaining and/or using unauthorized materials;
  • Fabricating information, research and/or results;
  • Violating procedures prescribed to protect the integrity of an assignment, test, or other evaluation;
  • Collaborating with others on assignments without the faculty’s consent;
  • Cooperating with and/or helping another student to cheat; and/or
  • Demonstrating any other forms of dishonest behavior.

Plagiarism means “to take and use as one’s own the writings or ideas of another” (American Heritage Dictionary). Before submitting any paper for any course at the college, the student must acknowledge each source used consciously, whether published or unpublished. Even an idea presented in the student’s own words but consciously taken from a source must be acknowledged. In addition, quotation marks (or indenting) must set off phrases or longer passages copied verbatim. Each instructor will explain any special means required to avoid plagiarism in his or her field.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

  • Directly quoting the words of others without using quotation marks or indented format to identify them;
  • Using sources of information (published or unpublished) without identifying them;
  • Paraphrasing materials or ideas without identifying the source; and/or
  • Unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic material.

The assignment of grades is the responsibility of the instructor. Thus, if the instructor determines that a student’s work has been intellectually dishonest, the instructor may award the student an “F” for the course or for the specific task determined to have been dishonestly accomplished. Such action will be preceded by a meeting with the student to provide an occasion for refutation, explanation, or mitigation. In cases where the faculty member and student cannot reach an agreement, and after consultation with the division dean, the student may make a written appeal to the Executive Vice President/Provost for Academic and Student Affairs within five school days of the meeting with the faculty member.

The faculty member’s charge must include an academic penalty, the most severe being removal from the course with a grade of “F.” Additionally, LSCO may propose an institutional sanction in repeated or blatant cases of academic dishonesty. A student involved in an appeal of an intellectual dishonesty case has the right to remain in class until a decision is made. A student who is found in violation of intellectual dishonesty loses his or her right to withdraw voluntarily from the course in which cheating occurred.

Disciplinary Procedures for Academic Dishonesty

Academic Process

All academic dishonesty cases may be first considered and reviewed by the faculty member. If the faculty member believes that an academic dishonesty has occurred, he/she shall adhere to the process formalized in the course syllabus. Students disputing the decision of the instructor, alleging they are not being applied consistent with the syllabus, should follow the procedures outlined in the student complaints section.

Disciplinary Process

In the case of flagrant or repeated violations, the Dean of Student Services may take such additional disciplinary action as he/she deems appropriate.

Academic Probation

Students are expected to make satisfactory academic progress toward their degree objectives. A “C” is the minimum satisfactory grade and a “C” average (2.0 GPA) constitutes satisfactory performance. The cumulative grade point average is based only on course work at Lamar State College-Orange for which the student earns the grade of A, B, C, D, or F. The marks of Q, W, NG, XC, or U are not counted as hours attempted in figuring the cumulative grade point average.

A student is placed on probation after the first long semester in which a student’s institutional cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Students on academic probation whose institutional term GPA is a 2.0 or higher will be allowed to continue on probation until the institutional cumulative GPA reaches 2.0 or higher. Students on academic probation must see an academic advisor to be advised and registered for classes each semester until they are off probation. If, after one semester on probation, a student fails to raise their cumulative GPA above 2.0, the student will be limited to enrolling in 7 credit hours during subsequent semesters until the cumulative GPA reaches 2.0 or higher.

Academic probation is assessed at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters.

Artificial Intelligence

Students should use Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology responsibly and ethically. This includes refraining from using AI to engage in harmful or unethical activities, such as generating false information, spreading misinformation, or engaging in malicious behaviors. The use of AI should align with the principles of academic integrity, honesty, and respect for others. Students are responsible for adhering to LSCO’s Academic Honesty policy found on LSCO’s website:  www.lsco.edu/policies/ai-policy.php

Change of Major

Students wishing to change their major must meet with their Advisor and complete an online change of major form. The form is made available to the student after meeting with an Advisor. Changing curriculum/major may impact eligibility for financial aid, scholarships, and veteran funds. Students receiving any type of financial assistance should contact financial aid before changing their major.

Changing Schedules

Once classes have started, all section changes add, and drops must be approved by either the advisor, the division dean, Advising and Counseling Center personnel, or the Registrar.  A course may not be added after the first week of a long semester or the first two days of a summer session. Students may change their schedules by dropping and/or adding course sections during the period designated for changes in the class schedule (see the academic calendar for the specific date).

Students wishing to make schedule changes may meet with an Academic Advisor on the 1st floor of the Ron E. Lewis Building. Students wishing to drop a class prior to the census date (4th class day – for summer terms, 6th class day - for 8wk sessions, and 12th class day – full terms) can do so by meeting with an Academic Advisor without financial or academic penalty.

After census (4th class day – for summer terms, 6th class day - for 8wk sessions, and 12th class day – full terms) please contact your Instructor to drop a class or your Program Director to withdraw from the college. You may contact them via email, in person or by telephone.

Class Attendance

Students must attend classes regularly and punctually to achieve their educational objectives. Therefore, instructors shall formulate and state in course syllabi attendance policies that best support student success. The College would prefer that faculty keep an accurate attendance record throughout the course.

When an instructor intends to use class participation as a grading criterion in a course, it shall be so stated in his/her course syllabus in objective measures. While attendance may be reflected in the instructor’s evaluation of a student’s class participation or affect a student’s performance on other graded material or skills, attendance (or lack of attendance) in class should not be used as a sole criterion in determining a student’s grade in a course.

The Office of Student Services maintains a list of college-sponsored extra-curricular activities. Instructors may or may not approve college-sponsored student absences. Instructor-approved absences entitle students to make up exams and written assignments without penalty.

Students with absences approved by the instructor for LSCO-sponsored activities should present properly completed college-sponsored absence forms to their instructors before the absence, if possible. If this is not possible, students should present the forms as soon as they return to class.

Students may request the Office of Student Services to notify faculty members before or during an extended absence due to personal or family illness, accident, hospitalization, etc. This notification does not require the instructor to regard the absence as excused; however, it does explain to instructors why a student is absent and when he/she will return to class.

Classification of Students

Students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, and post-baccalaureate. To determine eligibility to hold certain offices and for other reasons, officially enrolled students are classified as follows:

Freshman: Has met all entrance requirements but has completed fewer than 30 semester hours;
Sophomore: has completed a minimum of 30 semester hours with 60-grade points;
Post-baccalaureate: holds a bachelor’s degree but is not pursuing a degree program.

Course Numbering

Lamar State College Orange uses the state-approved Texas Common Course Numbering System for all academic courses. Each academic course has a letter code and/or numerical code. The letters are an abbreviation for the subject. For example, ENGL indicates an English course. Most courses meet three hours each week and have a credit value of three semester hours. Each number contains three or more figures:

  • The first number indicates the rank of the course: 1, freshman-level; 2, sophomore level.
  • The second number indicates the number of semester hours of credit.
  • The last number(s) indicates the order in which the course normally is taken.

Applied music courses are numbered so the second number indicates both semester hours of credit and the number of private lessons each week.

Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities

An extracurricular activity is understood to be any non-class-related activity representing the student body, a student organization, a department or division organization, or any such activity representing the College.

Any full-time student not on disciplinary or scholastic probation who is officially registered is eligible to become a candidate and/or to hold student office. In some cases, part-time students are also eligible to hold office. Any full-time or part-time student not on disciplinary or scholastic probation is eligible to represent the College in any extracurricular activity provided the student has a grade point average of at least 2.0 for both the whole of college work completed at Lamar State College Orange and for the preceding semester.

To establish eligibility, two six-week summer terms may count as one semester.

Transfer students have the same eligibility as freshman students until the completion of one semester at Lamar State College Orange.

Full-Time Student Status

During the fall, spring, and summer semesters, a full-time student is enrolled for at least 12 semester credit hours of courses, including both credit and college prep courses. Full-time status may be required of some students, depending upon financial aid or scholarship status. Some students are also required to be full-time if covered under parental health insurance.

Part-Time Student Status

Any undergraduate student who carries fewer than twelve (12) semester hours during an academic semester is classified as a part-time student. A student carrying nine to 11 hours is considered to be three-quarter-time, and a student carrying six to 10 semester hours is considered to be half-time.

Maximum Course Loads

A regular load during a fall or spring semester is 15 to 18 semester hours; a six-week summer semester load is six to eight semester hours; 8-week session load is six to nine hours.  Overloads (more than 18 credit hours) over the course of a long 16-week semester must be approved by the Executive Vice President/Provost for Academic and Student Affairs. No student will be allowed to enroll for more than 21 semester credit hours, regardless of the number of grade points earned the preceding semester.

Working students are cautioned to consider the number of semester hours in relation to the number of hours per week of employment. It is not realistic for students employed on a full-time basis to enroll in college on a full-time basis. Full-time student status is achieved when a student enrolls for 12 or more semester hours over a long semester or six or more semester hours in the summer session. A guideline to keep in mind is that it is usually necessary to spend at least two hours of preparation and study for every hour spent in class.

Minimum Class Enrollment

The College reserves the right not to offer any courses listed in the class schedule if fewer than 10 students register for the course.

New Courses

To meet changing educational requirements, the College reserves the right to add any needed courses at any time without regard to the listing of such courses in the catalog.

Observance of Religious Holy Days

A student who misses an examination, work assignment, or another project because of the observance of a religious holy day will be allowed to complete the work missed within a reasonable time after the absence. The student may not be penalized for these excused absences unless the student fails to complete satisfactorily the missed assignment or examination within a reasonable time after the excused absence. The student notifies the instructor of each class scheduled on the date that the student would be absent for a religious holy day. Arrangements must be made with the instructor in advance. This policy does not apply to any student absence which may interfere with patient care.

A “religious holy day” means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20 of the Tax Code.

Reverse Transfer

Lower-division credits transferred back to Lamar State College Orange from a university or degree that apply to a student’s LSCO degree requirements (reverse transfer) may be posted to a student’s transcript. The College reserves the right to confer a certificate and/pr degree to students who complete all requirements and coursework for a degree or certificate without applying for graduation.

Semester Credit Hours Policy

Lamar State College Orange (LSCO) has adopted a measure of academic credit known as the semester credit hour. This unit is the primary academic measure by which progress toward a degree, diploma, or certificate is gauged. In accordance with federal regulations, LSCO’s process for assigning credit hours to courses is based upon minimum academic activity for students to achieve intended learning outcomes as verified by evidence of student achievement.


The purpose of LSCO’s Semester Credit Hour policy is to ensure accurate academic measurement; comparability across programs, campus locations, and institutions; and compliance with federal requirements.

LSCO conforms to commonly accepted standards in determining the amount and level of semester credit awarded for its courses by adhering to Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) policies.

  1. The THECB Policy, as outlined in Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter A, rule 4.6, states that “a traditionally-delivered three-semester-credit-hour courses should contain 15 weeks of instruction (45 contact hours) plus a week for final examinations so that such a course contains 45 to 48 contact hours depending on whether there is a final exam.”
  2. In its policy statement on credit hours, SACSCOC defines a credit hour as “an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.


The definition of a semester credit hour at LSCO is consistent with THECB and SACSCOC policies. The unit of measure for credit purposes is the semester credit hour. The unit of measure is attached to academic courses, usually reflecting the number of lecture hours per week a course meets in a fall or spring semester. When defining a semester credit hour of instruction, LSCO adheres to the commonly used Carnegie unit of measure, in which fifty minutes of instruction equates to one hour. Two or more hours of laboratory work are counted equivalent to one classroom hour. For laboratory work that requires reports to be written outside of class, two clock hours are usually counted as one semester hour. This definition specifically applies to 16-week traditional terms. The semester credit hours for courses that are taught in a term length other than 16 weeks are prorated according to the ratio of the specific semester length compared with the 16-week framework.

At LSCO, each semester credit hour of instruction courses offered in 16-week terms consists of approximately one hour of classroom or directed faculty instruction. In addition, students are expected to complete a minimum of two hours of “out of class” academic activity each week for each credit hour of instruction. A credit hour is granted for approximately two hours of laboratory instruction and approximately three hours of work-based experiential learning (e.g., supervised internship).

LSCO’s academic calendar is comprised of 16-week fall and spring semesters which contain 3-semester credit hour courses that meet an expected 3 hours of instruction each week throughout  the 16-week semester. The most common course scheduling blocks within the traditional 16-week fall and spring semesters for a 3-semester credit hour course are:

  • Three days per week, one hour meeting times (e.g., Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9-10)
  • Two days per week, one and half hour meeting times (e.g., Tuesday/Thursday 8-9:30)
  • One day per week, three-hour meeting time (e.g., Monday night 6-9)

LSCO also offers courses in terms that are fewer than 16 weeks in length. As noted above, the semester credit hours for courses that are taught in a term length other than 16 weeks are prorated according to the ratio of the specific semester length compared with the 16-week framework.

Lamar State College Orange’s semester credit hour policy applies to all courses taught, regardless of location or modality. This includes face-to-face, hybrid, hyflex, and online distance education courses.

Suspension and Reinstatement

A student who has been on academic probation for two consecutive semesters will be placed on academic suspension if the student fails to maintain a 2.0 institutional term GPA. A student who has been suspended may return to LSCO after sitting out one long semester.

Veterans’ Satisfactory Academic Progress

The Veterans’ Administration must be notified of unsatisfactory progress the second semester a student has not completed classes with a 2.0 grade point average. Veterans should contact the Veterans’ Affairs Office, (409) 882-3317, for additional information.