Mar 30, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Support Resources

The Student Services Division provides services and programs to enhance the general education and development of students, enrich the quality of student life and support the teaching and service mission of the College.

The division consists of student activities, admission and records, advising and counseling, testing, financial aid, orientation, registration, recruitment, campus bookstore and student organizations.

Accessibility Services

Lamar State College Orange offers a variety of support services to enable students with disabilities to participate in the full range of college experiences. Accommodations are provided for students with disabilities. Students requesting accommodations must complete an Accommodation Request and provide appropriate documentation to the Accessibility Coordinator. The Accommodation Request form can be completed online at or in person with the Accessibility Coordinator in room 110 of the Advising Office in the Ron E. Lewis Building. The Accessibility Coordinator will review the request and documentation to determine eligible accommodations and/or services for the student. 

Services are arranged to fit students’ individual needs and may include individualized test administration, registration assistance, resource referral, sign language interpreters, note-takers, tutors, readers, scribes, and the loan of assistive technology devices. The Accessibility Coordinator acts as a liaison among students and faculty, administrators, and outside agencies.   

Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services 

Accessibility Services works closely with the Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services.  The department provides individuals with disabilities opportunities to enter into or return to gainful employment. Assistance with tuition and fees–in addition to diagnostic evaluation, vocational counseling, and physical restoration–may be provided.  For more information contact or write the Texas Workforce Solutions, Orange Field Office, 2266 MacArthur Dr, Texas 77630 at (409) 882-0302 or (877) 834-JOBS (5627) or

Visually and hearing-impaired students and other qualified students with disabilities may be eligible for assistance, including mobility training, professional counseling, placement services, tuition assistance, reader services, personal assistants, and other services through the Texas Workforce Solutions.  The department also maintains special equipment for its clients.  To reach the Division of the Blind, call (409) 899-8490 or (800) 687-7013. 

Complaints Regarding Accommodations 

If a student with a disability/disabilities is for any reason not receiving their approved accommodations, they should contact the Accessibility Coordinator immediately. The Accessibility Coordinator will work with the student and instructor(s) to informally resolve the issue. If the issue is not informally resolved, the Accessibility Coordinator will advise the student on the process to issue a formal complaint if necessary.  

For more information on available resources and any questions or concerns about accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at (409) 882-3393 or

Special Accommodations Testing

Needs for special accommodations must be identified and documented on the Request for Special Accommodations Form located in the Disability Support Services Office. Students who qualify for special testing accommodations for regular classroom tests must confer with their instructors who will forward exam material to the Testing Center. Instructions for special accommodations must be submitted by the instructor along with the student’s test and must explain in detail the required accommodations. For more information or to schedule appointments, call (409) 882-3330.

Advising and Counseling

The College provides a wide range of advising and counseling services to all students. The goal of the center is to assist in the resolution of student problems and questions and ultimately support personal growth and development.

The Advising and Counseling Center can provide specific assistance with class schedule planning, change of major, general information about various career choices, and transferring college credits. Questions concerning Texas Success Initiative (TSI) may also be directed to the center’s staff. The staff can provide current information concerning degree plans for all degree, certificate and institutional awards, as well as programs at other colleges and universities. The Transfer Success advisor is available to facilitate a successful transfer in order to meet your educational and career goals.

Trained personnel offer both academic and career counseling as well as limited social and personal counseling on an individual and confidential basis.

Students are always welcome to drop in to the Advising and Counseling Center to discuss any kind of concern. The philosophy of the center is that no concern is too small to bring to the Advisors’ attention. When a problem exists that requires special professional expertise, the Advising and Counseling Center is the best place to receive a referral to an off-campus resource.

The center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The center observs all campus holidays and adjusted summer hours as noted on the academic calendar in this catalog.

The Advising and Counseling Center is located in room 113 of the Ron E. Lewis Building. Students do not need an appointment to see an advisor. For more information, please call (409) 882-3340 or email

Academic Advising

Academic advising is necessary to ensure that all students are in compliance with the Texas Success Initiative testing requirements and Lamar State College Orange policies. Participation in continuous academic advising is vital to students’ academic successes. Thus, students are expected to participate in the advising process throughout their careers on the Lamar State College Orange campus. All first-time students, students with fewer than 15 credit hours, students with undecided majors, students on academic probation or suspension, and students who have not completed the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) provisions are required to register through the Advising and Counseling Center. All other students are encouraged to seek academic advising at least once per year.

Career Planning

Lamar State College Orange provides career advising services to all students and alumni through Career Coach, an online career planning tool. Career Coach assists students through all phases of developing, initiating, and implementing career plans. Information regarding employment opportunities and career options are provided along with access to live local job postings. Full-time and part-time employment opportunities, such as internships, are available through Career Coach.

Summary of Services:

  • Career Assessments
  • Up-to-date Job Market Information
  • Resume Building (account creation required)
  • Live Employment Opportunities

For more information, contact the Advising and Counseling Department at (409) 882-3340.

Career Assessments

Career Coach Assessment at This is an interest survey to help students find out what their interests are and how they relate to the work. There is a 6-question quick start assessment or 60-question detailed assessment available. After finishing, the top three traits and details of the individuals’ top career matches will be provided. The feedback helps students determine what kind of position and organization best suits their decision-making and communication styles. Additional information related to education level and salary projects is provided.

Resume Building

Resume Building is located at Career Coach’s resume builder tool allows students to create up to six different resumes, readily available for download. Contact information can be added as well as work experience and tasks and past training opportunities. Resumes can be downloaded and submitted through live job postings.

Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities are located at Browse live postings and submit resumes through this portal.

BlackboardConnect Emergency Alert Messaging System

Lamar State College Orange utilizes the communications system, BlackboardConnect, which allows the delivery of time-sensitive emergency notification via voice messages, e-mails and text messages in the event of a campus emergency. The BlackboardConnect service provides a safer environment, enhances emergency preparedness and will keep students, faculty and staff better informed. LSCO will use this service for the purpose of notifying the campus community of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of faculty, staff, or students.


LSCO has a virtual Bookstore with on-ground services provided at the Lamar University Bookstore is located at 4405 Jimmy Simmons Drive, Beaumont, TX 77705.

The Gator Book Pack is an affordable textbook rental access program that will provide students with all required rental textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and electronic book versions before the first day of class. This pack allows students to receive their textbooks for all of the classes that they register for at a standard rate of $24 per semester credit hour. The cost can be paid by financial aid or by the student. If a student enrolls in a payment plan, this charge will be included in the payment plan calculations. Supplies are not included in this program and will need to be purchased separately.

Students are automatically enrolled in the Gator Book Pack at the time of registration and will begin receiving emails about selecting their preferred delivery method of their Gator Book Pack.

Campus Security

The Lamar State College Orange security department can be reached at (409) 670-0789. The 24/7 emergency number answered by Orange Police Department dispatch is (409) 88301026. Campus security officers have enforcement authority on property owned and controlled by the College. The streets contiguous to and running through the campus are under the authority of the Orange Police Department. Campus security officers are authorized by state statute to enforce federal and state laws within their jurisdiction, in addition to rules and regulations issued by the Board of Regents of LSCO. Security guards patrol all LSCO campus facilities. They patrol on foot or in golf carts marked with SECURITY. 

LSCO officers are available to provide escort service to anyone whom may be concerned with their safety. LSCO officers enjoy a good working relationship with federal, state, local, city, and county law enforcement authorities. The Security Department’s working relationship with other area law enforcement agencies ensures that crimes and violations at nearby campus sites may be reported to LSCO officers and, if further assistance is needed, at on-campus locations. Lamar State College Orange and the City of Orange Police Department have a memoranda of understanding for the investigation of alleged criminal offenses on and near campus. Both entities recognize the importance of having effective communication and coordination regarding alleged criminal offenses, including but not limited to, allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking that involve the College’s students or take place on and around the LSCO’s campus.

College Catalog

Known officially as the Lamar State College Orange Catalog, the catalog contains a wealth of pertinent information, including the rules, regulations, policies, definitions, deadlines and descriptions which form the “academic laws” of the college. Remember, ignorance of the “law” is no excuse. Students are personally responsible for knowing and abiding by the rules which govern your academic life.

The Catalog can be viewed online at

Computer Services

The college has developed a state-of-the-art fiber optic network connecting all major campus buildings. Attached to this network are servers for administrative functions and academic computing. This network is also connected to the Internet, providing all students access to Internet mail and the LSCO online services. Computer accounts are available to all students. These accounts are kept active as long as students are enrolled.

Degree Works

Students, faculty mentors, academic advisors, and staff members have access to DegreeWorks; a degree audit system within MyGator. The tool allows all parties to see the same information about what courses students have successfully completed and what courses are still required for students’ chosen degree plan.

For students, DegreeWorks:

  • Provides real-time advice and counsel
  • Provides intuitive web access to Gator self-service capabilities
  • Streamlines the graduation process
  • Allows direct access to multiple related services and advice through hyperlinks to catalog information, class schedules, transcripts, and FAQs

For advisors and staff members, DegreeWorks:

  • Supports real-time delivery of academic advice through intuitive web interfaces
  • Minimizes errors through consistent degree plans
  • Supports more timely degree certification
  • Reduces paperwork and manual program check sheetsSupports and monitors unique program changes

Students and advisors can also use DegreeWorks to test “what if” scenarios with alternate majors to see how a change of major might affect the student’s expected graduation date.

Current students may access DegreeWorks, view course schedules, and register for classes online by logging into MyGator/Gator Self-Service from our website

Distance Education

The College offers a variety of hybrid and fully online courses. Blackboard is the school’s learning management system and provides the foundation for the distance education program. The distance education program is managed by the Office of Learning Technology. Student training on Blackboard is offered each semester; videos are also available on the LSCO website. A Blackboard Student Orientation is available to all students.

Gator Assistance Programs

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) represents an important opportunity to expand opportunities for every student to explore, choose, and follow career and technical education programs of study and career pathways to earn credentials of value. Perkins V continues the long-time federal commitment to Career and Technical Education (CTE) by providing funding for CTE programs and focusing on improving the academic and technical achievement of CTE students, strengthening the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improving accountability.

The Perkins Basic Grant Program supports students who enroll in CTE courses and programs in preparation for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations. With an emphasis on access and equity, the Perkins Basic Grant Program supports faculty professional development, CTE program equipment purchases, and student support assistance programs through the Gator Assistance Program (GAP). GAP students may receive child care, transportation, and/or classroom/instructional supply support if you are an

Individual with a disability(ies); 

  • Individual from an economically disadvantaged family, including being a low-income youth or adult;
  • Individual preparing for a non-traditional field;
  • Single parent, including single pregnant women;
  • Out-of-workforce individual;
  • English learner;
  • Homeless;
  • Youth who is in, or has aged out of, the foster care system; and
  • Youth with a parent who
    • Is a member of the armed forces; and
    • Is on active duty.

Gator Food Pantry

In collaboration with the Salvation Army of Orange, Lamar State College Orange has opened a food pantry to serve all College students, faculty, and staff with a campus ID. The Food Pantry is housed on the 2nd floor of the Student Center in Room 221. The hours of operation are every Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Health Services and Student Insurance

Because Lamar State College Orange is a commuter school, the college does not employ a full-time health professional.  However, TimelyCare is a virtual health and well-being platform that is available 24/7 for all non-dual credit enrolled LSCO students. There is no cost to eligible students for this service. TimelyCare’s providers offer the following services:

  • TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand emotional support to talk about anything, including anxiety, relationships, depression, and school-related stressors.
  • Scheduled Counseling: Choose the day, time, and mental health provider that works best for you. This service is limited to 9 visits per year.
  • Health Coaching: Develop health lifestyle behaviors for nutrition, sleep habits, time management, and mindfulness.
  • Psychiatry: Appointments are available through referrals.
  • Self-Care Content: Visit the Explore page within TimelyCare for guided self-care content.
  • Basic Needs Support: Access to free or reduced-cost community resources, including food and housing assistance, transit support, childcare, and finances.

Non-Dual Credit students enrolled in classes can log in to the TimelyCare website or app available at

All registered students enrolled in six or more credit hours (three or more during the summer) are eligible to purchase health insurance for an entire year or for one semester.  Health and accident insurance is required of all international students and all participants in the intramural sports and Spring Day Program.  Insurance information is available from the Dean of Student Services.

Any campus accident or serious illness must be reported to the Dean of Student Services.

Identification Cards (Student IDs)

Upon the student’s first registration at Lamar State College Orange, the student must secure a photo identification card, which certifies registration at Lamar State College Orange. The signed ID card must be validated by the Admissions and Records Office at the beginning of each semester the student is enrolled.

Student ID cards are non-transferable. Lost ID cards should be reported immediately to the Admissions and Records Office. A fee will be assessed for replacements.

Requirements for obtaining ID cards:

  • Student’s current semester fee receipt, indicating paid tuition.
  • Student’s valid driver’s license or other positive identification.
  • Student ID cards are required for library usage and to secure college payroll checks and/or financial aid checks. The ID card is for official college identification purposes and should be carried at all times. The use of the ID card is the responsibility of the named student. Misuse of the card may subject bearer and/or student to whom it is issued to disciplinary sanctions. Students must have ID cards when requested by any official of the College, including campus security.The ID card must be returned to the Admissions and Records Office at the time the student withdraws from the College.

Lost and Found

All articles found by any and all students, faculty and staff should be taken to the Public Safety Office located in the Academic Center. Those who have lost articles may check with this office. Lost and found articles that are not claimed by the end of the school year will be discarded during the summer months. 

Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services (OASIS)

The Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services (OASIS), located in the Ron E. Lewis Building, supports the educational mission of Lamar State College Orange by providing services, resources, and programs that promote academic success, excellence in teaching and learning, and continuing intellectual and personal growth, to our students, faculty, staff, and the greater Orange community.

OASIS services include: library services, tutoring services, Lifesavers workshops, the GPS: Navigate to Success program, and other academic support services/programs.

OASIS Library

The purpose of the OASIS Library is to support the educational mission of Lamar State College Orange by providing, services, resources, and programs to students, faculty, staff and the community. The library, located at the center of campus, opened in June 2001 and is an integral part of the college’s learning experience. The library contains a collection of resources, both electronic and print, which support the school’s curriculum and the information needs of students and faculty. The collection contains more than 33,000 print items and also includes non-book items such as laptops, webcams, headphones, and graphing calculators. Included in the media library are 2,500+ titles of both educational films and popular movies. Students have access to 68 computers to search dozens of licensed electronic databases which include products from EBSCO, Gale-Cengage, ProQuest, and NexisUni among others. These databases provide access to over 300,000 eBook, journal, newspaper, and magazine titles.  Students may access these databases and eBooks via the Internet from anywhere by using their MyGator login information.

To facilitate cooperation and resource sharing, the library is a member of Amigos Library Services and participates in the TexShare Program. This project is managed by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and funded by the Texas Legislature. The TexShare Program is designed to facilitate access to library materials for all Texans. All printed resources, except reference and reserve materials, circulate and are readily available on open shelves. The student identification card serves as the library card when checking out these items.

While students are encouraged to learn how to find and use their own resources in the library, librarians and library staff are always willing and available to assist students in the location and use of library materials in person or via phone, email, or by using the chat feature on the library webpage. Students are also encouraged to book appointments with a librarian at a time that is convenient for them. Instruction in the use of the library is provided to classes and individuals. Online tutorials are available through the library’s web page. Scanners, computers, audio/visual equipment and individual and group study rooms are also available.

As part of the community service mission of the college, library facilities and privileges are extended to adult patrons of the Orange Public Library. The OASIS Library maintains a reciprocal borrowing agreement with the Orange Public Library. The Library also honors the TexShare borrower card when presented with acceptable photo identification. Some use and access restrictions may apply to resources and materials with contractual and licensing restrictions.

OASIS Tutoring Center

The OASIS Tutoring Center, located on the 2nd floor of the Ron E. Lewis Building, offers assistance with assignments, test preparation, and academic support in Writing, Chemistry, Science, Mathematics, Vocational Studies, and more subjects upon request. LSCO students have access to a study space, printers, scanners, assistive technology, and computers equipped with a variety of software. Tutoring is available both in-person and virtually, by appointment, and on a walk-in basis.

Students are encouraged to bring their coursework to the OASIS and enjoy a relaxed atmosphere in which to work independently or collaboratively. Academic support coaches and peer tutors stand ready to answer questions and facilitate learning. In addition, the coaches routinely curate and create online, multi-media, and printed materials to reinforce foundational skills and supplement classroom instruction. Academic support coaches continually strive to develop tutorial services and resources that accommodate students’ needs and compliment the academic, technical, and occupational curricula at Lamar State College Orange. Above all, the OASIS aims to foster strong study skills and habits of thought that sustain students’ success.  For more information about the OASIS Tutoring Center and the academic support resource available, please visit the OASIS Tutoring Center webpage.


Lifesavers! are one-hour seminars on topics designed to support student success. Popular topics include: Research 101, Citations 101, Test Anxiety, Planning, Note Taking, How to be a Successful Student, and many others. Lifesavers are scheduled weekly during the semester and are offered face-to-face, virtually, and self-paced. All Lifesavers sessions are posted in the OASIS Academic Support calendar for students to view and register for sessions. For students needing proof of attendance for extra credit, certificates are issued after each session.

GPS Navigate to Success Tutoring Program

Evidence shows that tutoring works best when it is done consistently at the first signs of academic distress.  The GPS Tutoring Program is partnering with select first year courses to connect First-Time-In-College (FTIC) students with tutoring services early in the semester when it has a chance to make a difference.

The GPS Tutoring Program is designed to connect FTIC students to academic support resources when they show signs of academic distress and will require students to complete a specified number of tutoring hours.  For this program, academic distress is defined as when a student’s overall grade falls below 70% or they make a 69 or below on a major assignment (exam, paper, project, etc.). The specified number of tutoring hours is defined as a minimum of one hour per week. Departments and/or individual instructors can implement a more stringent definition of academic distress and a specified number of tutoring hours.

GPS Minimum Tutoring Guidelines*

  1. A student enters the GPS Tutoring program at the first sign of academic distress as defined by this policy or the individual department/instructor policy.
  2. The instructor discusses the grade or concern with the student, then submits a Gator Pass for the student, selecting “GPS tutoring” as the reason for submission of the Gator Pass.
  3. The Academic Support & Early Alert Coordinator receives the Gator Pass submitted through the Maxient software platform and contacts the student to connect them to support resources.  The coordinator creates a case file in the Maxient platform for the student.  The case file will remain with the student throughout the remainder of the course. The coordinator, instructor, and tutor(s) will document all communication and activity with the student in the case file.
  4. The student is referred to one or more of the following academic support resources:
    • OASIS Tutoring Center tutoring
    • Instructor tutoring (if subject is specialized)
    • Upswing online tutoring
  5. Student attends 1-hour of tutoring per week until:
    • Passing grade (70% or above) on next major assignment (paper, test, project, etc.) OR
    • Overall grade is 70% or above
  6. When the overall grade is above 70%, the OASIS Tutoring Center or instructor reports back to Academic Support & Early Alert Coordinator that the tutoring need has been met. If the student used Upswing as a tutoring resource, the Upswing report will be processed and filed in the case file.

*This is the minimum tutoring requirement for a course participating in GPS Tutoring. Departments/ Instructors are free to expand upon these requirements based upon the needs of the course.

If the student does not attend the mandatory tutoring requirement and they remain in academic distress:

  • Instructors will recommend the student drop the course; and
  • Will notify the Academic Support & Early Alert Coordinator so the student record can be updated.

At the end of the semester, the Academic Support & Early Alert Coordinator will send a survey to every student who participated in the GPS Tutoring program.

Course Participation

The goal of the GPS program is to increase the success of First-Time-In-College (FTIC) students. To that end, first-year courses (English, Math, History, Science) are the primary courses the QEP team will focus on approaching for participation. However, every instructor has the opportunity to opt into the GPS Tutoring program if they wish to be involved.

In order to participate, the instructor with their Department Chair and/or Program Chair will:

  1. Adopt at least the minimum GPS Tutoring Guidelines or develop guidelines that define the following for their course/department:
    • academic distress
    • minimum tutoring requirements
    • failure to participate consequences
  2. Include a syllabus statement in each participating course to notify students that they are taking a GPS Tutoring course and place it in the Grading & Evaluation Method section of the syllabus. The syllabus statement must include:
    • If the course has adopted the GPS Minimum Guidelines as defined above or indicate the course/department guidelines.

    • Guidelines must include the definition of academic distress, minimum tutoring guidelines, and consequences for failure to participate. 

  3. Notify the QEP Director of their intention to participate. 

GPS Tutor Course Participation

During the semester, the instructor will do the following:

  1. When students show signs of academic distress, discuss the situation with the student before recommending GPS tutoring and filling out the Gator Pass, so that the student is aware of what will be required of them.
  2. Instructor will monitor GPS student’s performance and notify the student and Academic Support & Early Alert Coordinator when they have improved in the course.

Official Publications

A thorough knowledge and understanding of the rules and regulations which govern your academic and personal conduct at the College are essential. Each student is expected to become familiar with these rules and regulations and is held responsible for abiding by them at all times. Each of the following official publications is available without charge: College Catalog (printed version), Program Brochures, Campus Maps, Registration Bulletins (when available).


A freshman orientation program is offered during August for the fall enrollment and in January for the spring enrollment. These sessions are designed to acquaint new students with campus facilities, academic and student support services, and give individual students opportunities to confer with advisors, program directors and associate deans about academic programs. Details of the orientation programs can be found at or by contacting the Recruiting Office at (409) 882-3340.

Service Animals

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a Service Animal is defined as, “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.”

Animals other than dogs are not considered Service Animals (although in some instances, miniature horses may be used), nor are animals that provide emotional support, comfort or companionship. To qualify as a Service Animal, the dog must be trained to do work or perform tasks directly related to the individual’s disability. Examples of work or tasks include but are not limited to:

  • Guiding an individual who has a visual impairment
  • Alerting an individual who has a hearing impairment or who is deaf
  • Stabilizing/calming an individual with anxiety or posttraumatic stress disorder during a panic attack or flashback
  • Assisting an individual in a wheelchair
  • Alerting or protecting an individual who has a seizure disorder
  • Reminding an individual who has a mental illness to take a prescribed medication

Service Animals must be permitted to accompany an individual with a disability anywhere on or off campus (e.g. classes, meetings, events, internships, etc.). In compliance with the ADA, Service Animals are welcome in all buildings on campus.

Currently enrolled student being accompanied by a Service Animal must register their animal with the Accessibility Coordinator. Details on registering the the Service Animal with the Accessibility Coordinator are found on the Accessibility Services webpage

Removal of Service Animals

An individual with a disability cannot be asked to remove their service animal from the premises unless:

  • The service animal is not housebroken.
  • The service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it.

The owners of disruptive or aggressive Service Animals may be asked to remove them from campus facilities. If improper behavior happens repeatedly, the owner may be told not to bring the Service Animal into any facility until they take significant steps to mitigate the behavior. Cleanliness of the Service Animal is mandatory. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, other accommodations will be offered to provide the individual with the disability equal access to services and/or programs without the animal’s presence.

Responsibilities of Individuals with Service Animals

Cleanliness of the Service Animal is mandatory.  An individual who uses a service animal is liable for damage done to the premises or facilities by the animal. The person must keep the animal harnessed or leashed or under another mode of control.

Student Center

The Student Center provides facilities for leisure-time recreation and is the campus center for many extracurricular activities.  The center includes a TV, café, games, and recreational facilities.  All students must present their Lamar State College Orange student identification cards at the front check-in counter in order to use these facilities.

Testing Center

The Lamar State College Orange Testing Center is located in room 107 of the Ron E. Lewis Library Building.  The Testing Center provides a quiet and comfortable setting for group and individual testing of students.  The center is completely handicapped accessible. Testing Center hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday; 7:30 a.m. to to 5:00 p.m. on, Wednesday - Friday; and  9 a.m. to 1 p.m. the first Saturday of each month during fall and spring semesters. The center observes reduced hours during the Summer semesters, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday through Thursdays, and 8 a.m. to noon on Fridays.