Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Life and Activities

Lamar State College Orange offers on-campus services and activities to ex-students. Anyone wanting to participate in or take advantage of these services may purchase an alumni ID card. The card has an annual cost of $35 (September 1 through August 31) and may be paid for at the Cashier’s Office. The paid receipt should then be presented in the Office of Admissions, and a photo ID will be made at that time. The ID card must be renewed annually beginning September 1.

Student Center

The Student Center provides facilities for leisure-time recreation and is the campus center for many extracurricular activities. The center includes a TV, café, games, and recreational facilities. All students must present their Lamar State College Orange student identification cards at the front check-in counter in order to use these facilities.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the representative voice of students, as a major facilitator of new and improved student services and programs, and in an important role relative to student judicial proceedings. All students enrolled in good standing at Lamar State College Orange are eligible to become members of the Student Government Association, allowing each student to promote, support, and participate in a well-rounded student life program.

The president and officers of the Student Government Association are elected each spring in a general student election. Student senators are elected each semester. Student opinions may be expressed at the open meetings of the SGA, held during the fall and spring semesters every Thursday at 3 P.M. in Student Center Room 202.

Student Organizations

Many student organizations offer membership opportunities in one or more groups: professional, religious, academic, honor, spirit, sports, or activity. Participation in student organization activities enhances the education of students, and students are strongly encouraged to affiliate with the organization(s) of their choice and participate in the programs.

Lamar State College Orange is committed to equal treatment and opportunity for all people, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, handicap or ethnic origin. This commitment applies to all extracurricular life and student activity programs. To this end all student organizations will refrain from conducting any pledging, initiation or extracurricular activities that will in any way defame, ridicule or embarrass any person because of his/her race, color, sex, religion, age, handicap or ethnic origin. All organizations should be aware of and abide by Texas Education Code, Chapter37, sections 37.151 thru 37.158 and Texas Education Code, Chapter 51, section 51.936 concerning hazing.

Risk Management for Student Organizations

In 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature added section 51.9361 to the Texas Education Code regarding risk management training of officers and advisors of student organizations. Consequently, universities and community colleges are required to provide training in seven different topics related to risk management. Advisors are required to attend risk management training once and specified officers are required to attend training annually.

Student organization advisors and student officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) of student organizations must attend risk management training on an annual basis and adopt a risk management policy for the organization.  The advisor(s) and student leaders must report on the risk management training program contents at a meeting of the full membership of the student organization.  A signed statement and copy of the meeting agenda indicating the report was made at the student organization full meeting must be submitted to the Office of Student Life within 45 days following completion of the training.

Student organizations who fail to complete the required training by the stated deadline of October 1, 2024 will be given one 15-day extension to complete the training. If the student organization advisor or student organization leaders fail to complete the required risk management training program by the extension deadline, LSCO will impose reasonable sanctions on the student organization. Student organizations that do not complete the risk management training program will have their organization indexes frozen and will not have access to the additional benefits of a recognized student organization. Upon the completion of the required risk management training and reporting back to the full organization meeting, the student organization status will be reinstated to good standing.

LSCO is expected to disseminate risk management training content at a meeting of the full membership of the organization/club. Topics to be covered include:

  • possession and use of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs, including penalties that may be imposed for possession or use;
  • hazing;
  • sexual abuse and harassment;
  • fire and other safety issues, including the possession and use of a firearm or other weapon or of an explosive device;
  • travel to a destination outside the area in which the institution is located;
  • behavior at parties and other events held by a student organization;
  • other pertinent information regarding use of Lamar State College Orange property, trademarks, etc. adoption by a student organization of a risk management policy.

Faculty and Staff Advisors

Each registered organization shall have a faculty or staff advisor whose name shall be provided to the college administration as a part of the student organization registration procedures. The organization shall immediately report in writing any change in its advisor. Advisors may not expend their personal funds on behalf of a student organization and request reimbursement.

Disciplinary Action

Any student organization is subject to disciplinary action or revocation of registration as a student for violation of a System and/or of the college rule or regulation or for failing to comply with the direction of a college official acting in the performance of his or her duties.

Requirements for Organizations

As a condition to being a registered student organization or group during an academic year, every registered student organization or group shall furnish, to the director of student activities at the beginning of, or prior to each such academic year, a complete list of officers or other members of the organization or group who are authorized to speak for or represent the organization or group in its relations with the college and who are authorized to receive for the organization or group official notices, directives or information from the college. Each such list shall be current and accurately updated throughout the semester by the organization or group, and it shall be conclusively presumed that the officers or members whose names are on the list most recently filed by the organization or group are authorized to speak for and represent the organization or group official notices, directives, or information from the college.

Except for national honor societies that require outside members, no registered student organization or group may have a person as an active member who is not either a student or a member of the faculty or staff of the college. No organization or group, whether registered or not, may use any facility of the college if it has as an active member any person who is not either a student or a member of the faculty or staff of the college.

Any college funds that are expended on behalf of student organizations will be maintained by the college. Both the advisor of the organization and the designated officer of the organization must authorize any expenditures from the organization’s account. All college funds (such as those generated by student services fees) expended for the benefit of student organizations must be expended from budgeted college accounts.

All college-provided funds of registered student organizations are subject to audit by the college. Failure to maintain adequate records may be considered in determining whether a student organization may maintain its registered status.

Student organizations, their officers and sponsors are responsible for assuring that they comply with all applicable TSUS, state and federal rules and regulations, including tax code compliance.

The college may develop applicable policies and procedures to promote fiscal integrity and accountability for student organizations.

College Sanctioned Student Organization Travel

Lamar State College-Orange is committed to the efficient procurement, maintenance and transportation of equipment, apparatus, supplies and personnel and to the security and protection of all employees, students, and visitors. The following procedure contributes to the fulfillment and implementation of this policy.

The purpose of this policy is to provide the college community and specifically students and student organizations with procedures and safety guidelines for student/student organizations and sponsored program participant travel that is sanctioned by the College.

College-sanctioned student organization travel is defined as any approved travel to a destination twenty-five (25) miles or more away from campus, which occurs under one or more of the following circumstances:

  • A Lamar State College-Orange student/student organization or sponsored program travels to an event that is recognized by the college as having a professional/educational purpose or is an event at which the student group represents the college;
  • The travel is required by a student organization registered at LSCO;
  • A faculty or staff member serving in his/her official capacity supervises the travel; or
  • Institutional, departmental and/or organizational resources are used (includes college vehicles as well as financial resources) to support the travel.

All items listed below must be submitted to the Student Activities Office at least ten (10) working days prior to departure.

  • Student Travel Form
  • Student Group Travel List
  • Trip Release and Indemnity Form
  • Photocopies of drivers’ licenses and proof of liability insurance for all intended drivers
  • Travel Checklist
  • Authorization for Medical Treatment Form for any travelers less than eighteen (18) years of age

The Student Activities Office will return copies of all documents listed above, along with a safety kit. These documents need to be placed in the glove compartment of the vehicle.

Driver Requirements

Drivers must be at least eighteen (18) years of age, with valid drivers’ licenses and valid liability insurance or lease policy insurance.

All LSCO employees and students who may be called upon to drive a college-owned or leased vehicle for college-related activities shall have a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) as required by law (Article 6687b, Section 37, VACS) on file in the Human Resources Office. The Human Resources Office will notify the Student Activities Office of all approved drivers. Individuals will not be allowed to drive college-owned or leased vehicles if they are deemed to be unacceptable to the college’s insurance carrier or have three (3) years prior to the date of their individual driver’s license checks:

  • Been convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI).
  • Received two or more moving violations or have been involved in two or more accidents where they have been determined to be at fault.
  • Had their drivers’ licenses suspended.

No driver shall have consumed any alcoholic beverages or ingested any chemical substance (prescriptive or over-the- counter) that would impair his/her ability to operate a motor vehicle within twelve (12) hours of operating a vehicle.

Drivers must carry copies of all pertinent LSCO travel documents listed above in this policy.

Vehicle Use
  • Smoking is not permitted in any college vehicles.
  • The transporting or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during college-sanctioned travel.
  • No student shall be required to use his/her personal vehicle to perform college-related activities.
Other Modes of Travel

Any LSCO students or student organizations approved for college- sanctioned travel by modes of transportation other than cares, vans or personally operated vehicles (i.e. bus, train, airplane, etc.) must comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the organizations, industries or groups providing such means of travel.

Standard of Conduct During College-Sanctioned Travel

Any LSCO student traveling off-campus to college-related functions or activities is expected to be fully acquainted with the guidelines of the college’s Student Travel Policy and Procedures, which is available to each student for review in the Dean for student services office or the Office of Student Activities and Student Organizations. The College will hold each student and each student organization responsible for complying with these published policies and guidelines. Students are expected to comply with all federal, state and local laws as well as LSCO policies, in addition to the policies of any agency or organization to which the students travel.

Any students involved in college-sanctioned travel who violate the LSCO travel policy is subject to disciplinary action taken by appropriate authorities because of the violations. This includes conduct that is likely to have an adverse effect on the College.

Accident Guidelines

This section contains guidelines that must be followed in the event of accidents involving college-sanctioned student travelers. Compliance with the requirements in this section is mandatory; the provisions contained herein constitute college policy and procedure.

  • If an accident occurs which involves injuries to a college student, employee or any other individual in any other vehicle, the highest priority is to summon emergency medical personnel to the accident scene immediately. Do not move anyone who is injured unless his/her safety is in jeopardy.
  • If an accident occurs, the appropriate law enforcement agency should be summoned to the scene for an accident report and an investigation. If possible, vehicles should not be moved unless significant traffic hold-up or safety hazard exists. The Texas Department of Public Safety Roadway Emergency and Stranded Vehicle number is 800-525-5555.
  • If an accident occurs, the organization’s advisor should be contacted immediately. If the advisor cannot be reached, the director of student activities and student organizations should be contacted at 409-827-1516.
  • Attention should be given in any vehicle accident situation to the safety of the persons in the traveling group. These people should be gathered well enough away from the vehicle and/or scene to ensure their safety from the vehicles around the area.
Incident/Breakdown Guidelines

This section contains incident/breakdown guidelines for student travelers. The information in this section is mandatory and constitutes college policy and procedure.

  • If an accident/breakdown occurs, contact the Texas Department of Public Safety Roadway Emergency and Stranded Vehicle number at 800-525-5555.
  • If a significant traffic hold-up or safety hazard exists, the vehicle must be moved out of the flow of traffic.
  • In the event a vehicle breaks down, the student organization’s advisor must be contacted immediately and notified. In the event the advisor cannot be reached, the director of student activities and student organizations must be contacted at 409-827-1516.
Safety Guidelines

This section contains specific safety guidelines for student travelers. This information is intended to assist students during travel in an effort to encourage the safest possible travel.

  • Only those employees and students with acceptable driving records are authorized to drive college-owned or leased vehicles. (In case of an emergency circumstance that renders an employee unable to drive while on college-sanctioned travel, this rule may be waived).
  • Mode of transportation will be determined by the sponsoring department or student organization, taking into consideration a combination of three (3) primary factors: 1) number of participants traveling, 2) distance to be traveled, 3) time frame of the event, 4) cost and 5) travel conditions.
  • Drivers will comply with all applicable traffic laws and regulations. Travel between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. is discouraged. The majority of travel hours should be during daylight.
  • Drivers must take a “safety break” after three (3) hours behind the wheel. If travel time is to exceed twelve (12) hours, two (2) or more persons must share the driving responsibility and rotate time behind the wheel.
  • A vehicle should not be loaded beyond its capacity to supply one seat belt for every person in the vehicle. On extended travel trips vehicle should be under loaded.
  • Road flares, cellular phones, reflectors and a first aid kit should be in every vehicle transporting students for college-sanctioned activities.
  • All occupants must use seat belts and appropriate safety devices while the vehicle is in motion. All occupants must remain seated when vehicle is in motion. The following activities are PROHIBITED for drivers while driving:
    • Operating a vehicle, which exceeds the maximum number of occupancy regulations.
    • Driving while under the influence of impairing drugs or alcohol.
    • Use of radar/laser detection devices
    • Use of headphones or earphones
    • Use of cell phones
    • Eating, smoking or drinking

Use of the Student Center

The use of the student center facilities on the campus shall be subject to reasonable and nondiscriminatory regulations as may be promulgated by the center’s director and approved by the Chief Student Affairs Officer and the President.

Priority Scheduling

  • Official College Activities
    • President’s official functions (development, regents, etc.)
    • Academic dates (registration, graduation, etc.)
    • Orientation
  • Major Campus Activities
    • Student Government
    • Student Center Program Board events
    • All college events-open events
  • Other Campus Activities
    • Recognized campus organizations’ events
    • Departmental and faculty events and meetings
    • Continuing education
    • College affiliated organizations (alumni, foundation, etc.)
  • Non-Campus Organizations by invitation only

Schedule of Charges

No rental is charged to students, faculty and staff for the use of the facilities; however, it is necessary to provide for the upkeep and maintenance of the facilities of the Student Center. Consequently, custodial charges will be assessed. A list of these charges and the remainder of the policy can be found in the Student Center Policy Manual. Copies of these charges may be obtained from the Student Activities Office, located in room 105 in the Joe B. Welch Student Center.

Student Publications

Cypress Branches is a literary journal that encourages and promotes the literary, artistic, and photographic expression of students of Lamar State College Orange. Entries are judged by a qualified panel of judges. Entries are received, judged, published, and awarded prizes every spring semester. Students from all majors and fields of study are encouraged to make submissions.

Recreational Sports

All faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students with valid Lamar State College Orange ID cards have access to the recreational facilities and may participate in activities offered by the College. Published schedules and reservations allow students, faculty, or staff members to exercise and enjoy competition with friends. The intramural program provides an opportunity to participate in supervised, competitive sports among groups within the College community. The stated purpose of the intramural program is to promote human understanding, fair play, and behavioral control through the interrelationships occurring in athletic competition. Further information on any facet of the recreational sports program may be obtained from the Coordinator of Student Activities.