Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Drops and Withdrawals

From the first class day to census day, a student wishing to make a schedule change or drop a class will meet with an academic advisor. After the census date, students will meet with or contact their instructor to discuss their progress in the class. After coaching and discussing student progress, if the student wishes to drop the course the instructor will complete the online drop form. Dual Credit (DUHS) and Early College High School (ECHS) students wishing to drop a class must refer to their high school counselors for advising.

Before dropping a course, students should meet with their advisors. (See also Six Drop Rule) It is the student’s responsibility to initiate dropping a course by the drop deadline published in the Academic Calendar.

For refund purposes, the effective drop date is the date indicated on the online drop form, which should be the date the student contacted the instructor. The student, instructor, cashier, and admissions will receive a confirmation email.

Six Drop Rule

Limitations on the Number of Courses that may be Dropped by Undergraduate Students: Legislation passed by the Texas Senate (SB 1231) in late spring 2007 could seriously impact your college career.

This legislation applies to all students entering any Texas public institution of higher education as first-time freshmen beginning fall 2007 and subsequent terms.

Under Section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code, “an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education.” This statute was enacted by the State of Texas and applies to students who enroll in a public institution of higher education as a first-time freshmen in the fall of 2007 or later. Any course that a student drops is counted toward the six-course limit if “(1) the student was able to drop the course without receiving a grade (A, B, C, D, F, S, U or Q) or incurring an academic penalty; (2) the student’s transcript indicates or will indicate that the student was enrolled in the course [signified by a ‘QL’ grade at Lamar State College Orange (LSCO)]; and (3) the student is not dropping the course to withdraw from the institution.” Some exemptions for good cause could allow a student to drop a course without having it counted toward this limit, but it is the responsibility of the student to establish that good cause. Contact the Office of the Registrar, (409) 882-3318, for more information before you drop a course.

This statute applies to all Texas public colleges and universities. Therefore, an LSCO student affected by this statute that has attended or plans to attend another institution of higher education should become familiar with that institution’s policies on dropping courses.

All courses dropped will automatically count toward the six-drop limit unless:

  • The drop or withdrawal occurs before the 12th class day (census day) for a fall and spring semester, 4th class day (census day) for a summer term and 1st class day for a mini session.
  • The drop is exempt from the rule.
  • The student receives an exception to the six drop rule authorized by the Office of the Registrar.

Once you reach your six-drop limit, you must remain on the class roster unless you request and receive approval for a six-drop exception.


The following are exempt from the six-drop limit:

  • Students who entered college before Fall 2007.
  • Co-enrolled high school students (dual credit).
  • Credit by examination or other method that does not require registration in a course.
  • Remedial, developmental education or other courses such as continuing education courses that do not apply to a degree. Drops that require co-requisite enrollment such as a lecture class with a required laboratory are counted as one drop.
  • Courses taken at private or out-of-state colleges or universities (transfer work that is not from a public Texas state institution).
  • Those in which a punitive, non-completion grade is received (i.e., “I” Incomplete Grade).
  • Those resulting from documented college error.
  • Complete withdrawal from all courses.


Students may request a Lamar State College Orange course not count toward the six-drop limit. The College allows the following exceptions.

  • Severe illness/debilitating condition of student or close family member. Statement from doctor required.
    • Death of close family member or another person who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship: Death certificate or obituary from newspaper.
    • Care of sick, injured, or needy: 1) Statement from doctor regarding illness of the person being cared for. 2) Statement from the sick, injured, or needy person regarding the student’s role as the caregiver or in case of a child, statement from the student.
    • Active military duty service with the Texas National guard or other armed forces by the student, a family member, or a person who has a sufficiently close relationship: Orders from service.
    • Change in work schedule that is beyond the control of the student: Letter from employer.
    • Incorrect course placement based on assessment error. Advisor documentation will be requested.
    • Instructor or classmate incompatibility.
    • Challenging circumstances, including language barriers and disabilities. Advisor documentation will be requested.
    • Other circumstances not covered by legislated exceptions. - Student must write a letter regarding reason and attach to form. *Other reasons will be reviewed by the institution and additional documentation may be required
    • Other “good cause,” as determined by the college. *Other reasons will be reviewed by the institution and additional documentation may be required

Exception Request Process

Students have three months following the end of the semester or session to officially request an exception to the six-drop limit. You should meet with an advisor before requesting a Six-Drop Limit Exception Request.

Advisors or Students can request the Six-Drop Limit Exception form by emailing Admissions@lsco.edu.

A committee composed of faculty, administrators, and advisors will review requests that do not fit circumstances specifically listed.

Reinstatement to Class

A student may be reinstated to class upon written approval by the major instructor of the course and the instructor’s associate dean or dean or the Executive Vice President/Provost for Academic and Student Affairs. The request must be made through the Office of Admission and Records.

Instructor Initiated Drop

When absences, other than approved absences, interfere with the student’s performance, the instructor may recommend to the division dean that the student be dropped from the course. In the case of an instructor-initiated drop, the advising office will be notified. In the event, that the student has accumulated six drops and the drop is not eligible for an exemption to the rule, the instructor will not be able to drop the student. In this instance, the student will have to receive the grade they have earned.


Students wishing to withdraw from all classes must meet with or contact their program director, associate dean, or dean to discuss their desire and reason for withdrawing. After coaching and discussing if the student wishes to withdraw from the College, meaning they wish to drop all their courses, the program director/dean will complete the online withdrawal form. After consulting with their program director/dean, Dual Credit (DUHS) and Early College High School (ECHS) students wishing to withdraw from the College must refer to their high school counselors for advice. Students must clear all financial obligations and return all books, laboratory equipment, and other materials. For refund purposes, the effective withdrawal date is the date listed on the online withdrawal form, which should reflect the date the student contacted the program director, associate dean, or dean.

The student, instructor/program director, cashier, financial aid, library, and admissions will receive a confirmation email. The cashier, financial aid, and the library will communicate directly with the student via mylsco.edu email regarding any money due and holds placed on the account.

The Business Office will return such fees as are refundable according to the schedule shown under “Fees.”

A student may not withdraw after the published deadline. A student who leaves without officially withdrawing will receive a grade of “F” in all courses, will forfeit all refundable fees, and is not relieved of outstanding financial debts.

**Before withdrawing from classes students should meet with an advisor.

Backdated Drop or Withdrawal Policy

Student Petition for Backdated Drop or Withdrawal

A student may petition for a Backdated Drop from a course(s) or Withdrawal from the College (all courses taken during a term or session) if circumstances of a serious and compelling nature prevented the completion of course work and extenuating circumstances prevented a drop or withdrawal by the deadlines on the Academic Calendar. If submitting a backdated drop, withdrawal from all courses taken during the term in question is normally expected since extenuating circumstances are not course specific. Backdated drop or backdated withdrawal requests will not be considered for classes in which students have completed the grade appeal process.

Within 30 calendar days of the last day of final exam period, a petition for an academic backdated drop or withdrawal (all classes for a term) will be considered by the Registrar or designate upon the receipt of a request that is supported by documentation verifying the health reasons or compassionate grounds that prevented the student from withdrawing from the course by the withdrawal deadline. Requests cannot be made for courses in which the final exam (or equivalent) has been completed. Requests submitted without supporting documentation, or incomplete requests, will not be considered. Requests submitted outside 30 calendar days will not be considered.

Nothing in this section prevents the College from accommodating students with disabilities who have been unable to comply with the deadline due to their disability. A student with disabilities requesting accommodation considerations should work directly with the Special Populations Advisor to determine what form of accommodation is available.

Requests for backdated drop and withdrawal can be made by requesting the form from Admissions@lsco.edu. All completed requests are considered, and a decision is rendered by the Registrar (or designate) within 15 calendar days of receipt of the petition.

Students wishing to appeal against the decision of the Registrar must refer the matter to the Instructional Deans. When appropriate, the grade NW (Not Withdrawn) may be assigned by the Registrar (or designate) within the specified appeal period and when supporting documentation is supplied by the student.

Deadlines to drop or withdraw from a course without academic penalty are published in the academic calendar.

Please note, a back dated drop or withdrawal may affect Financial Aid disbursements. Please contact Financial Aid Department for additional information.

Dual Credit Petition for Backdated Drop or Withdrawal

The Dual Credit Team will petition for a backdated drop or withdrawal on behalf of the student within 30 calendar days of the last day of final exam period if notified by the counselor that the student was dropped or withdrawn from all classes before last day to drop for the term and the communication was not processed. The Backdated Drop or Withdrawal Petition Form is found on Blackboard. Documentation will be required when submitting this petition. Requests cannot be made for courses in which the final exam (or equivalent) has been completed. Email requests or requests submitted without supporting documentation, or incomplete requests, will not be considered. Requests submitted outside 30 calendar days will not be considered.

Faculty or Advisors Petition for Backdated Drop or Withdrawal

Faculty or advisors may petition for a backdated drop or withdrawal on behalf of the student within 30 calendar days of the last day of final exam period if a student requested to be dropped or withdrawn from all classes before last day to drop for the term and the communication was not processed. The Backdated Drop or Withdrawal Petition Form is found on Blackboard. Documentation will be required when submitting this petition. Email requests or requests cannot be made for courses in which the final exam (or equivalent) has been completed. Requests submitted without supporting documentation, or incomplete requests, will not be considered. Requests submitted outside 30 calendar days will not be considered.

All completed requests are emailed to the Instructional Dean and Registrar. All requests are considered, and a decision is rendered by the Registrar (or designate) within 15 calendar days of receipt of the petition.