Final grades are available at all times by logging into Gator Self-Service via, and by logging into MyGator/Gator Self-Service via with username and password. Instructions on how to access grades via MyGator/Gator Self-Service are available in the Lamar State College Orange Registration Guide that can be accessed online at
Disputing an Earned Grade
Grade determination and awarding of grades in a course are the responsibility of the instructor and should be calculated according to college policy, procedures, and written details provided in the course syllabus. NOTE: Final grades are available to students within 48 hours of the instructor posting the grade in Banner. Students may view final grades by logging into MyGator and then accessing Gator Self-Service.
The process of disputing an earned grade is afforded to students who desire to dispute a grade they earned in cases where the grade assigned is in conflict with guidelines outlined in the Course Syllabus. If an informal conference with the faculty member regarding a grade dispute fails to reach the outcome requested by the student, the student may initiate the formal complaint process described in the “Complaints” Section of this Catalog. Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time.
The protocol for disputing a grade is described in the “Complaints” section of this Catalog.
Grading System
- A-Excellent
- B-Good
- C-Satisfactory
- D-Poor
- F-Failing
- S-Satisfactory
- U-Unsatisfactory
- NG-No Grade
- Q-Dropped Course (does not count in the 6-drop limit)
- QL-Dropped course (counts in 6-drop limit)
- W-Withdrawn from all Courses
- I-Incomplete
The grade of “Q” or “W” is given if the drop or withdrawal is made before the due date.
The grade of “I” may be given when any requirement of the course, including the final examination, is not completed. Students seeking an incomplete should have completed 75% of the course requirements and be passing the course at the time of the request. Arrangements to complete deficiencies in a course should be made with the instructor. The instructor will complete the online incomplete form. The student, instructor, and dean will receive a copy of the form. Incomplete work must be finished during the next long semester. If not, the Office of Admission and Records must change the “I” grade to the grade of “F.” The course must then be repeated if credit is desired.
An “I” grade also becomes an “F” if the student registers for the course before removing the deficiencies and receiving a grade change. The instructor may record the grade of “F” for a student who is absent from the final examination and is not passing the course.
Grade Changes
A grade may not be corrected or changed without the written authorization of the instructor giving the grade; or, if an instructor is no longer employed by Lamar State College Orange, the Executive Vice President/Provost for Academic and Student Affairs may authorize a grade change after reviewing grade records. The grade change should include a statement explaining the reason for the change and must be provided to the program director (if applicable) and dean. The instructor will follow the grade change online form process. The student, instructor, program director (if applicable), and dean will receive a confirmation email. The Office of Admissions and Records will receive the grade change information via email for processing.
Grade Replacement
Students may replace a course grade by repeating the same course, as defined by the exact same course rubric and course number. If a student repeats a course, the official grade is the higher one, although all grades remain on the student’s transcript. A grade, once earned and entered on a student’s transcript, cannot be removed. The grade for repeating a course at another institution cannot be transferred to replace a grade for a Lamar State College Orange course. Eligibility for all College honors will be determined based on a cumulative GPA that includes all grades earned at Lamar State College Orange, including those that were replaced. Any student who wishes to repeat a course must do so before completing a more advanced course in the same subject. The division dean of the department offering the course will determine what constitutes a more advanced course. This policy does not apply to classes repeated before the fall of 2011. Once a degree has been conferred, a student may not use the Grade Replacement for any courses used to award a degree or calculate the cumulated grade point average.
Grade Point Average Computation
The grade point average is a measure of the student’s overall academic performance and is used in the determination of academic standing, rank in class, eligibility for graduation, etc. To compute a grade point average, grade points are assigned to a letter as follows: “A,” 4 points; “B,” 3 points; “C,” 2 points; “D,” 1 point; and “F,” “I,” “S,” “NG,” “Q,” “U,” and “W,” 0 points. The number of grade points earned in a course is obtained by multiplying the number of semester hours of credit by the number of points assigned to the letter grade made in the course.
The grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted in courses for which the grades “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F,” and “I” are assigned. Thus, for grades “S,” “U,” “NG,” “W,” and “Q,” neither semester hours nor grade points are used in the computation of the grade point average. Hours attempted reflect all work taken, whether passed, failed, or repeated.
Beginning spring 2010 with the implementation of a new student system LSCO modified the academic transcript. Undergraduate academic and undergraduate technical careers are combined into one undergraduate level on one undergraduate transcript. Students with questions regarding their grade point average computation should be directed to the Office of Admission and Records.
Dean’s List
At the end of each semester, the Office of Admission and Records prepares a list of all full-time (those who completed 12 or more semester hours) students who have earned a grade point average of 3.4 or above for that semester. Students will receive a letter and notation on their transcript.
President’s List
At the end of each semester, the Office of Admission and Records prepares a list of all full-time (those who complete 12 or more semester hours) students who have earned a grade point average of 4.0 for that semester. Students will receive a letter and notation on their transcript.
General Graduation Requirements
Associate of Science and Associate of Arts Degrees
Students must meet the following requirements for an AS or AA or AAT degree:
- satisfy all admission requirements;
- have twenty-five (25) percent of the total semester hours required in residence at Lamar State College Orange with a minimum of fifteen (15) hours taken with LSCO;
- attain 2.00 GPA (grade points/hours attempted) on all coursework completed at LSCO;
- attain no lower than a grade of “C” in every class in their major fields of study (concentration);
- have all transfer work evaluated on a credit basis only; transfer work will not be used to determine the LSCO GPA (credit will be awarded for a transfer grade of “D”; however, if the transferred course is on the degree plan under the major field of study, a grade of “C” must be attained);
- complete the required core curriculum;
- confer with the appropriate division director to establish a formal degree plan and complete the associate of science or the associate of the arts degree program as prescribed;
- have no more than a total of fifteen (15) semester hours of credit by correspondence (maximum of 9) and/or credit by examination combined; and
- complete the E Proficiency Profile.
- pass all college-level math, college-level reading, and college-level writing courses; if the college-level math, reading, or writing course is within the major fields of study (concentration), a grade of at least a “C” is required.
Note: College prep (developmental) courses do not apply to any degree or certificate.
Associate of Applied Science Degrees
Students must meet these requirements for an AAS degree:
- satisfy all admission requirements;
- have twenty-five (25) percent of the total semester hours required in residence at Lamar State College Orange with a minimum of fifteen (15) hours taken with LSCO;
- attain 2.00 GPA (grade points/hours attempted) on all coursework completed at LSCO;
- attain no lower than a grade of “C” in every class in their major fields of study (concentration);
- have all transfer work evaluated on a credit basis only; transfer work will not be used to determine the GPA (credit will be awarded for a transfer grade of “D”; however, if the LSCO transferred course is on the degree plan under the major field of study, a grade of “C” must be attained);
- complete at least fifteen (15) credit hours of general education courses with a minimum of three credit hours in each of the following: natural science/mathematics, humanities/fine arts, and social sciences/behavioral sciences;
- Complete the associate of the applied science degree program as prescribed; and
- have no more than a total of fifteen (15) semester hours of credit by correspondence (maximum of 9) and/or credit by examination combined;
- be TSI complete in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.
Note: College prep (developmental) courses do not apply to any degree or certificate.
Certificates of Completion and Institutional Awards
Students must meet these requirements for a certificate of completion or institutional award:
- satisfy all admission requirements;
- complete an approved certificate or institutional award plan;
- have at least a 2.00 grade point average overall submitted on all certificates or institutional award plans with the exception of the General Studies Certificate;
- attain no lower than a “C” in every class in the major field of study; and
- have at least 13 semester credit hours in residence at Lamar State College Orange.
Note: College preparatory (developmental) courses do not apply to any degree or certificate. All technical certificate programs with 42 credit hours or less offered at LSCO are waived from the testing requirements of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI).
Awarding Backdated Degrees and Certificates Policy
All backdated requests for awarding degrees and certificates must be received no later than 50 calendar days (including weekends and holidays) after the end of term of successful completion. This will ensure that reporting of degree is done within the 60-day period outlined in federal regulations.
Within the appropriate timeframe students can request a review of their audit to determine if they were eligible to graduate and not awarded by emailing The Graduation Clerk with review their audit and determine if they were in fact eligible and missed.
Eligible for Degree and Certificate Backdated Award
If the student is found to be eligible within the 50 calendar days following the end of term of successful completion, the graduation clerk will notify the student that their degree or certificate will be awarded for the previous term, give them the opportunity to walk at the next commencement ceremony and notify the Registrar, Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Director of Financial Aid, and Student Services Specialist (Admin to Dean of Student Services) that the student has been awarded, providing the term and date the backdated award was completed.
The Registrar will use the information provided to update the student on the National Student Clearinghouse website within the 60-day period outlined in federal regulations.
Ineligible for Degree or Certificate Backdated Award
If the request is received on the 51st day, the graduation clerk will review the audit to determine eligibility. If ineligible, the graduation clerk will notify the student that he or she can be awarded at the end of term because we are past the date of backdating. The graduation clerk will add the student to the list of eligible for the new term, set the student up to apply for graduation, and provide student with guidance on what to expect.
Graduation with Honors
To be designated as an honor graduate, a student must:
- have completed at least 30 semester hours at Lamar State College Orange; and
- have a grade point average of at least 3.5 for all coursework attempted at Lamar State College Orange. Only course work attempted at Lamar State College Orange will be included in the grade point average calculation for honors. Transfer course work will not be included in the calculation of GPAs for honors. All grades earned at the undergraduate level at Lamar State College Orange will be considered for graduation honors - including those otherwise exempted by Academic Fresh Start, Academic Appeals or Grade Replacement
A grade point average of 3.5-3.64 qualifies a student for “honors” (cum laude), 3.65-3.79 for “high honors” (magna cum laude), and 3.80-4.00 for “highest honors” (summa cum laude).
Grades earned the semester of graduation are included in the calculation of grade point averages for honors. Both diplomas and permanent records indicate graduation honors.
Completed Degree Requirements Without Applying for Graduation
The College reserves the right to confer a certificate and/or degree to students who complete all requirements and coursework for a degree or certificate without applying for graduation. Lower-division credits transferred back to Lamar State College Orange from a university or degree that apply to a student’s LSCO degree requirements (reverse transfer) may be posted to a student’s transcript.
Second Associate Degree
When two associate degrees are taken simultaneously or one has been taken previously, the second associate degree may be granted upon the completion of all required work for the second degree. However, a total of 15 semester hours above the number required for the degree having the greater semester hour requirements must be completed.
Graduation under a Particular Catalog
A student normally is entitled to graduate under the degree provisions of the catalog in effect at the time of the first completed semester of enrollment with this exception: a catalog more than seven years old shall not be used (unless state law or state guidelines prohibit the practice).
The program of the student who interrupts enrollment for reasons other than involuntary military service for more than one calendar year shall be governed by the catalog in effect at the time of the student’s re-entry to the college. The student who interrupts enrollment for involuntary military service must re-enroll within one year from the date of separation from military service for this provision to apply. For these purposes, enrollment shall be defined as registration for and successful completion of at least one course during an academic term. A student forced to withdraw for adequate cause before completion of a course may petition for a waiver of this provision at the time of withdrawal.
The program of the student who changes a major from one department to another within the college shall be governed by the degree requirements in effect at the time the change of major becomes effective.
At the discretion of the division dean, the student will be required to comply with all changes in the curriculum made after the year in which the student was enrolled. Deletions and additions of courses will be of approximate equal credit so that no student will have an overall appreciable increase in total credits required for graduation.
Graduate Guarantee Policy
Lamar State College Orange guarantees that students who complete two-year programs of study in technical fields will have the job skills for entry-level employment in the occupational fields for which they have been trained. Graduates with an associate of applied science (AAS) degrees who are judged by their employers to lack these basic skills will be entitled to a maximum of twelve (12) additional credit hours of tuition-free training in their field of study.
The following conditions apply:
- The graduate must have earned the AAS degree beginning May 1993 or thereafter in a technical, vocational, or occupational program published in the college catalog.
- The graduate must have completed the AAS degree at Lamar State College Orange with a minimum of 75 percent of the necessary credits earned at Lamar State College Orange and must have completed the degree program within four years from the date of initial enrollment.
- Graduates must be employed full-time in job fields directly related to their AAS programs of study as certified by the appropriate academic officer.
- Employment must commence within 12 months of graduation.
- The employer must certify in writing that the employee is lacking entry-level skills identified by Lamar State College Orange as program exit competencies and must specify the areas of deficiency within 90 days of the graduate’s initial employment.
- The employer, graduate, division dean, and other appropriate academic officers will agree upon a written plan for educational retraining. Retraining will be limited to 12 credit hours related to the identified skill deficiency and those classes regularly scheduled during the period covered by the retraining plan.
- All retraining must be completed within a calendar year from the time the educational plan is agreed upon.
- The graduate and/or employer are responsible for all costs associated with enrollment except tuition. This includes fees, books, insurance, uniforms, and other course-related expenses.
- The guarantee does not imply that a graduate will pass any licensing or qualifying examinations for a particular career.
- A graduate’s sole remedy against the institution and its employees for skill deficiencies shall be limited to 12 hours of tuition-free education as outlined under the conditions described above.
- A request to implement the graduate guarantee policy can be initiated through a written contract with the President’s Office within 90 days of the graduate’s initial employment.